
04-17-2004, 06:34 AM
Can annyone say me if dod_dog1 (the best beachmap ever made :D ) is remade for dod v1.1 ? Is it playable on steam already ?

If yes, can somebody give me a download link plz ?

04-17-2004, 02:28 PM
No, its not remade for 1.1

Colonel Forbin
04-17-2004, 02:54 PM
I was just talking with someone about this, and I realised I've never played Dog1. It didn't work at all for some people, so I would be really suprised if it was compatible with 1.1

04-19-2004, 12:34 AM
During releases and especially with 1.0 release DoD engine itself eats more and more of HL resources. Also Steam (required since 1.1) eats some more. So number things you can use in your map decreases and also this makes some maps incompatible. They require more resources that there are free on fresh clean DoD 1.X server (ithout any plugins). So that's why you won't see Dog1 in current DoD.

04-21-2004, 07:48 AM
dog 1 was fantastic! One of the best invastion maps I have ever played!

It would be great if it would come back, as I remember DOD at one point has 2 invastion maps, dod_overlord and dod_dog1.

Although overlord was pants, dog1 was always one to get action junkies going!


04-21-2004, 08:18 AM
I dont like charlie.. Dog1 was better..

Lets start a campaign "we want Dog1 back!"

Perhabs Dim Reaper would make an improved remake for Dod If only enough people bag for it^^

Ginger Lord
04-21-2004, 11:58 AM
Did people just ignore what Craftos said in his post then?

04-21-2004, 12:28 PM
Question answered.

As Craftos and GL noted. This is a long settled issue, regardless if you like or agree w/ the outcome or not.

Its also a dead horse.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.