[Ques]Modelling and Sounds

04-13-2004, 05:11 PM
I've been thinking--with a buncha recent Default Model reskins surfacing, I've been curious as to how to edit a few things...

For one, if you have say the Default MG42, but you have another MG42 that uses a different style bullet chain; could you import that new style bullet change to the default model? (DoD Team default).

Also, is there anyway to make sure it is hardcoded that weapons use a certain sound per-model?

Another thing; could you make a w_model have a drop sound? Like as soon as it appears, say you could insert an event without screwing the model over?

With reference to that, how could you use the event, but not screw anything over--and what event would it be?

Whats a distinguishing trait of an "event?"

What events are specific to what?

Ultimately, is there anyway to animate P models so the trigger pulls back when fired?

Is it a possibility of working?

Lastily, for a distant grenade explosion--has anyone got an idea on how that would work?

I had a generally idea once, but it was buggy. Tried to send it to Rogacs but the thing reseted itself--anyone have any thoughts on if a Grenade detonates at a distance, that a certain event could be heard out of the detonation?

It worked with P_models, so I was curious if it could work. Thanx in advance. :)

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