[MREL] New Tree Map Models
Trp. Jed
04-06-2004, 12:45 PM
I made these models at the request of FuzzDad for 1.2 but he said I should go ahead and release them to you guys now anyway so here you go.
The original models had an insane amount of subgroups but as I found out that its only the internal version of Hammer that can show them all I recompiled them a bit.
Crappy screenshots and downloads are here:
Quick summary.
Deciduous Trees
Generic tree. 4 submodels but each one is exactly the same as the first but with different textures so you can just clip the first one and you'll be O.K. 3 animations with it - idle, gentle swaying and one with leaves that fall every so often.
Pine Trees
Generic tall pine trees. 3 sizes for each type, only 2 submodels per MDL. First submodel is spring/summer/autumn textures, second is a winter snow texture. Apart from the upright models you have a chopped down version, a blown down version and various matching tree stumps.
"Boom-o-matic"(TM) Fir Tree
FuzzDad's favourite. If you've seen the episode of BoB with the tree bursts you'll like this. Select submodel 2 and the boom anim. Be creative! Use it to block an enemy sniper or MG's view! Use it to block a route! Use it to bridge a gap!
Note: After play testing its recommending that your DONT put more than 1 or 2 of the animated trees together in the same view portal or where there is a lot of animation or action. It really chews up CPU cycles trying to blend the tree anims and everything else going on. Stick with the idle anim and use the sway anim's sparsely.
- Jed
04-06-2004, 01:37 PM
very cool. thanks
and jed. could u pm me your email address, since i dont have the option to PM you or email you. I just have a question (dont worry, its not a request)
/me pets Jed.
Great work dude :-]
Sly Assassin
04-06-2004, 03:24 PM
*Drools* nice bro, we've need models like this for ages ;) very very nice :)
04-06-2004, 10:11 PM
sweeeeet. swaying trees and leaves falling.... that is damn sexy. 1.2 is gonna be sweeeet :D
04-07-2004, 04:18 AM
very nice!
04-07-2004, 10:48 AM
great release! many thanks :)
04-07-2004, 11:05 AM
gonna use some of the pines in my karl040
thx jed
04-07-2004, 01:47 PM
damn you jed! Those trees are sexeh!
Now I'm gonna have to replace all the old trees in my map....
damn you, indeed!
Oh, and thanks, they look sexeh.
04-07-2004, 07:56 PM
Ohh I luve these! I might give them an edit. Jed, whats your email? (got an important question!)
04-08-2004, 07:50 AM
sUPERb TREES! Much more better than DoD's cartoony ones!
We do need low poly trees though. Yours are in the high poly range, so you can;t have 10000s of them like in a real forest. Actually, there's a way to cut yr polycount for yr fir trees by 1/2: use triangles instead of square patches. But obviously, you'll need a larger triangle patch to encompass the texture...rather cubersome and will overlap. I'll guess i'll DIY if i need low poly versions. After all, a hurtgen forest map consist of tons of trees so densely packed and even the larch limps intersect. Low poly ones would b good. Even BOB has so much trees. For example, i have 38 poly fir trees ..(<- that basically allows 31 of such trees to be viewed at one time, producing only a total of 1200 polies which is simply 1 player model! They are simpler triangular based ones tho, consisting of 4 successive triangular canopies..works fairly well)
What we need is rag-doll physics for yr collapsing trees!! After all, you'll never know what bumpy terrain such trees may be planted on! What i do feel tho: is that the "dying" trees feel strangely so alive. If i'm not wrong, rag-doll physics still allow certain bones to be animated while other bones are "free to drop". But yr trees feel very haunting and alive as it collapses. Gives me the creeps. Nice animation work. And it's all forward kinematics, right? Superb.
Can imagine using it with HL2 physics, each bone joint is a loose attachment that can dangle about so naturally due to falling velocity! Done together with forward kinematics, and u;ve got a deadly combination.
Is there a way to have a collapsing tree without having the mapper having to manually script/alter the submodel during the detonation? You could easily have the 2 parts knitted together first, rather than the ugly gap i see now.
04-08-2004, 01:13 PM
Glidias, no offense at all here, but that was possibly THE most rambling I've seen in a post since I started posting here.. LOL...
good thing it was coherent, though, eh? =b
Ginger Lord
04-08-2004, 02:22 PM
/me replaces Density's trees
04-09-2004, 12:13 AM
yer. ive already got them in diversion (still being tested. out soon) and i will definately have these sexy trees in adrenalin5. :D
Trp. Jed
04-19-2004, 01:47 PM
Quick update:
While we were testing 1.2 we discovered something about animated map models.
Apparently, when you use a "named" map model, that is, one that is called by name and changes its state (switches anim, submodel, etc.) the server will track the bones for the model.
In the case of the exploding fir tree, there are 31 bones in it to animate all the branches so one tree is almost like adding another player to the server!
Because of this we almost lost the falling trees in 1.2! :(
I've updated the model in the ZIP now and there is an alternative version which now has just 3 bones. All I've done is remove the animation in the branches. The tree is the same physical dimensions and falls the same way so no re-clipping is need, its a simple drop in replacement.
Download URL, etc. is still the same.
- Jed
04-19-2004, 03:33 PM
Very nice stuff... thank ya :)
04-19-2004, 09:26 PM
damn. too bad these werent out when i needed them a long time ago for my adrennes forest map.
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