[M/SREL] Original weapons with fresh reloadsounds!!!

05-07-2003, 06:43 AM
Here I am once again.. This time I've chosen to add some weapons their own reloadsounds... And it turned out quite well. ;)

So the weapons you're getting sounds to (for now) :) is:
Para Carbine
Org. Carbine
and the one I like the most, the little Webley wich I thought was having AWFUL sounds...

I'm fixing new sounds to the rest of the weapons later on, so you'll have to play with these for now :)

>>>>>>>DOWNLOAD<<<<<<< (http://w1.404.telia.com/~u40436664/anders_reloadsounds.zip)

05-07-2003, 06:53 AM
nice one m8, work on :)

05-07-2003, 08:48 AM
Great work but a few bugs :(

1) The blue is suppose to be transparant, but it is not. (see attach.)
2) When you relaod the sten the bolt isnt polled.
3) All the sound look alike, diff wep, diff sounds plz

On the good side :)

Great BAR model

Keep up the good work


05-07-2003, 09:33 AM
Oh ****, I forgot to tell ya'. The BAR is made by Devin. Sorry devin! :( I didn't even check the models so I forgot that it wasn't the original model.. Well the others are original..

Ya, and about the blue **** in the holes... WTS is that?!!! Something must have gone wrong when compiling.. :(
Anyone have a clue???? :confused:

05-07-2003, 10:00 AM
When we get the new compiler, the blue will be gone. Must wait until then. This skin thing is a new format and the old one didn't use it so it needs upgrading.

Nixon, the Sten's bolt, for some reason, isn't coded into the game right now anyway.

05-07-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Devearica
When we get the new compiler, the blue will be gone. Must wait until then. This skin thing is a new format and the old one didn't use it so it needs upgrading.

Nixon, the Sten's bolt, for some reason, isn't coded into the game right now anyway. Ah great, then we just have to wait :) I will do this again with the new compiler and all weapons should have reloadsounds ;)
And yes, we can't do anything about the bolt thing... We just have to wait for a patch and hope they will get thompson and sten boltback and the manualreload. :)

05-07-2003, 12:11 PM
ARGH this is starting to piss me off!
Cocking the bolt after putting in the magazine is NOT LOGICAL, you will eject a round, so if you do in reality, I think you're a f***ing idiot, the "bolt-pull" is a well known mistake in games, WHY for the love of God do you think they removed them?! For FUN?!

05-07-2003, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Selbstmord
ARGH this is starting to piss me off!
Cocking the bolt after putting in the magazine is NOT LOGICAL, you will eject a round, so if you do in reality, I think you're a f***ing idiot, the "bolt-pull" is a well known mistake in games, WHY for the love of God do you think they removed them?! For FUN?! Noew, easy fella!! ;) If that's correct you said, then I don't bother... :) I just want it realistic...

But I have to ask.. The bolt on the BAR. If you draw the bolt after you've put in a new magazine, then the bolt should always go forward and back when you shoot it...???? If not, it wouldn't make any sence... :confused:

Ska Wars
05-07-2003, 12:38 PM
I've only ever fired bolt action rifles so i dont have much knowledge of semi/automatic weapons but i thought that when a mag was fully sent the bolt snapped forward and since there is no round in the chamber to fire there is no blow back to force the bolt back. Hence the bolt remains in the forward position so when a new mag was inserted you would have to **** the weapon to make it ready to fire wouldn't you? I may be wrong, but thats jus the impression i got.


05-07-2003, 01:02 PM
*off topic

the thompson M1 in dod is a simple blowback weapon and fires from an open bolt. After firing the gun dry, you HAVE to pull and lock the bolt back.
take a good look at this website

tommy gun firing animation (http://people.howstuffworks.com/machine-gun4.htm)

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-07-2003, 01:08 PM
Here's a funny story to illustrate semi-auto weapons, though it's more than possible that different designs work differently [THEY'RE DIFERENT DESIGNS, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, QUIT FLIPPING OUT!!!].

Some '80's rock star or other loved guns and booze. One night, at his own birthday party, he got drunk out of his tree and decided to play Russian Roulette with one of his semi-auto pistols. He put a bullet in the mag. Popped the mag in to the receiver. Snapped the rail forward. And shot himself in the head on the first trigger-pull. Of course, he died. At his birthday party. With dozens of his closest "friends" watching his brains spray everywhere.

Now, don't you think that'd make a great epitaph?

The slamming forward of a semi-auto pistol's upper bits -sometimes- [or most often] strips a round from the clip and pops it in to the chamber. That's why you don't actually have to pump them to shoot. Fire, fire, fire, drop clip, pop clip in, slam rail forward [accomplished by releasing a latch on most], fire, fire, fire.

That's just to say it's not necessary with ALL semi-auto or auto weapons to prime them before shooting. But they don't ALL work the same, so it's more than possible that some REQUIRE priming, despite the fact that SOME don't.

It's a common misinterpretation that you have to prime all guns before shooting, because that's what you see in movies. The priming of the gun has this big, mythical meaning; "Dere's no way back. Ah'ma gunna kill someone, Kletus, and dere ain't no stoppin' me."

It'd be boring if they just drew the weapon and started shooting with no actual interaction with the thing. Removing the safety isn't -big- enough. It doesn't tend to take some big, manly, powerful motion to do it [and Ah'll be danged if Jean-Claud don't look dead sexay when 'e's doin' it, too *gag*hack*choke*cough*splutter*spew*]. In so many action movies, the only way to get any kind of story across is by using comic book poses because the actors just plain suck [or the directors--either way], which is why you end up with all this melodramatic cat-walking from many of the characters involved [notice something of a lack of this in Die Hard and certain other movies, though it's used to a limitted degree in The Matrix].

In essence, it brings some kind of humanity to the inanimate object when the big hero dude gets in this über-dramatic pose and primes his piece and says some big-mannish line about getting revenge or something. It's like he's stroking something I won't name. It's not -necessary-, but it looks all libido-laden. And we all know sex sells. Big, hunky guy, full of rippling muscles, in a male-stripper pose, *ka-chak*... Come ooooon.

Watch Time and Tide. -That's- an action flic. I know it sounds like some sappy girly flic, but it's actually the best action flic I've ever seen. The Matrix isn't in the same category, mind you, so don't ask.

05-08-2003, 11:55 AM

05-08-2003, 01:47 PM
The thompson does not need to be cocked as long as there's a round in the chamber. However, if you've help hte trigger mashed down and that last round is fired, it's highly unlikely that you're going to let off the trigger in time to keep from dry firing it, in essence, letting that bolt slam forward and shut on an empty chamber. Unless they worked something out where it didn't do that in the m1a1, I would say that unloading a partially empty mag and popping a fresh one in would not require one to work the bolt back into the charged position, but a full out emptied weapon would. Unless the bolt holds itseld open in the thompson on the last round, I'm saying it needs that animation, if not, then I say it's fine. Doesn't bother me one way or the other. I think there's too much extra gun stroking in games as it is, and I think it's great that they're moving more towards realism. I have to laugh every time I see a movie with some dipstick with a shotgun who racks the chamber every five minutes. Last movie I saw that he did that in, he worked the action twice in the same scene never firing a load.

05-13-2003, 05:14 PM
Bump, I need these fixed :)

05-13-2003, 05:59 PM
this is not jacobsen's fault, but it's the dodteam's fault that they did not implement realistic reloading

take Firearms for example

In FA, when you reload midclip, you do not pull the bolt again.
When you empty your gun and reload, you do pull the bolt.

When you empty your bolt-action rifle, you do not operate the bolt, AND THEN reload it. You just reload it.

Also, in FA, right after you spawn, the VERY FIRST TIME you draw your weapon, you turn off the safety and pull the bolt. If you switch to another gun, you flip the safety there is an 'Undraw 'animation. The gun does not magically disappear.
Then, when you switch back to that weapon, all you do is flip the safety. You do not pull the bolt again.

I posted this as a suggestion in the Suggestions Forum a long time ago, but everyone was too ignorant and stupid to care.

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