Env_Model <- I use quark
03-17-2004, 06:00 PM
Hey i have a slight problem, when i attempt to put models in my my map and decide to put them in at a different angle, i can't! I enter in the angle values (Y Z X) in the appropriate field, however they refuse to rotate!
Again, I'm using quark, so any Ideas as to what could be causing the problem?
Sly Assassin
03-17-2004, 06:23 PM
have you tried using the rotate feature (not the xyz one with in the model options)?
03-17-2004, 06:28 PM
Also have you tried compiling to see if they are rotating, just not in Quark?
03-17-2004, 06:36 PM
Yes i have been compiling, i cant view models within the editor, or if it is possible i havnt seen any plugins or options for it for the 3 years ive been using quark.
What do you mean "rotate it", if by rotate you mean change the direction the entity is facing, then yes, i have rotated and it has failed.
A similar problem also arose, in that, when i wanted a vehicle to look destroyed, i would change the body to 2 or whatnot, and nothing would change...
Any other ideas?
03-17-2004, 07:45 PM
Well for vehicle bodies it might be the same deal where the model body in Hammer is the value of Half-Life Model Viewer model body -1.
So the actual default body shows up as "1" in HLMV and "0" in Hammer
To use the second body you'd put "2" in HLMV and "1" in Hammer. etc. etc.
03-17-2004, 07:52 PM
Well, i think my .qrk may be messed up somehow then, because some entities will work while others will not, which is ofcourse a major disadvantage of using quark in the first place...
However, the HL entities work fine, so what if i used a cycler_sprite for the models??
03-17-2004, 08:28 PM
Why don't you use Hammer then?
03-18-2004, 09:19 AM
convert to hammer, it isnt hard considering you can still use your map.
03-19-2004, 12:18 AM
Well, i got all the models in and whatnot, now, i did a full ZHLT compile (csg,bsp,vis,rad) and now when i try to start my map i get an "HL.exe caused an error with HL.exe" error and the numbers and whatnot pop up in a little box when i click on details, sorry its late I hope this is coming out as a sensical statement.
Anywho, could this just be a problem with steam? Because if i try to start with my map, and it crashes and then start up again and try to start with a new map it will crash again and freeze, but if i just start with a new map then it'll be fine...
Ugh i hate steam... so much...
And i cant run a won based game because frankly when i tried to uninstall steam, and stopped it when i realized it was removing EVERYTHING, it most likely got a dll with which i need to run cstrike,dod,ts,tfc etc etc etc...
So, in closing-
What's up with this error I'm experiencing for the map? All i added was a few models, im not getting "mod/numforname" or similar errors, the only thing thats different is that i was forced to use hammer, which when i convert files over to that crack***** of a program, a few textures get misaligned and a few brushes "change position"
2- Uninstall steam without having it rape your computer?
In order of importance**
Thanks in advance
03-19-2004, 10:33 AM
For me, I installed Steam first, then later I installed HL from CD for making maps. The compiler wants you to point to the HL.exe, but you can't exactly do that with Steam. My two installed coexist good enough to compile and run around my maps and cheack for errors.
03-19-2004, 02:17 PM
I'm sorry but
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