A map layout I made =D

03-13-2004, 02:45 AM
*I'm such a loser.. lol*

Anyways, I was bored and so I decided to design a map layout. Since I'm not a mapper, that's all I really could do. But I had a good idea I thought would be worth sharing with the DoD mapping community. View the attachment!

It's the perfect blend of close range battle and long range battle. The building fights will be for the automatics, and the middle will be for the riflemen. It's like a mix of Caen and Anzio, just what we all wanted! And I also like the fact that all the capture points are in the buildings, that's pretty new. Would make a good clan map, since it's symmetrical and is CTF style too. I considered a lot of things, like rubble and sandbag placement and how things would affect sniper/mg positions. Window locations, etc.. Hehe. Well I'm looking for three things:

1. A title and some historical background to go with the map
2. A mapper who is willing to make this place
3. Comments, questions, and opinions

03-13-2004, 03:06 AM
After thinking about this map, I thought of an idea that would go well with this place. Could you make it so that if you're capturing the place alone, it would take really long to cap. But if youre with another person, the capture is instant. So for example (I'm not sure what the exact time would be), you would have to stand in the capture zone for 8 seconds to obtain the point. But if a second man comes in anytime during that 8 seconds, the zone is captured instantly. So if you stand there at the capture zone and someone practically just passes by you then you get it, or if you and your partner run through the zone at the same time you get it. Is this possible? If not, well, it should!

El Capitan
03-13-2004, 05:07 AM
think this classes as a map idea :D

Please post ideas in map ideas thread ;)

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