REQUEST: All Mappers Please

03-10-2004, 04:02 AM
As a server admin, who runs a 24 player DoD public server, we have setup our server, like alot of others have, to use the new sv_downloadurl variable that valve has added, to allow custom maps a better chance of actually being played. Unfortunately most custom maps don't include a .res file. If you could when you release your map, if you would include a .res file for all the files the map requires, it would go a long way for making it easier on the admin's to add your map to their server, and their WWW based Map download sections for the new download method. This in turn would make it more likely your map is played on public servers.

I know that with my work, and other things, fighting with a custom map to get a .res file for it, and making sure everything works, is a headache, and takes alot of time, that I have little to spare for it. It would be much appreciated if this little step could be done by mappers.

Thank you.

03-10-2004, 08:09 AM
there's a program called resgen, it writes the file for you. You just drag/drop your bsp onto it. i couldnt find any links that work, sry

03-12-2004, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by greenhorn
there's a program called resgen, it writes the file for you. You just drag/drop your bsp onto it. i couldnt find any links that work, sry

check out this thread in mapping (active right now, in fact) that has links to ResGen:


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