
03-06-2004, 03:49 AM
im working on a SS model ,
im using model parts of Flammenwerfers 12.SS, the default model,stuff from Mortar , Kurt Meyer ,Trigger and Sanitäter
the pack is almost done , at the moment im working on the Grenadier and the Stosstruppe.
The Stosstruppe will wear the m43 cap from Devins Kryss SSv4,
and the grenadier will be autumn camo with gasmask and wearing the snipers helmet from the SSv4 aswell
here is a pic :

03-06-2004, 03:51 AM
all i need is some help with the head0 smd file - could someone add those hands to it - the same the 12.ss uses.
my milkshape has expired and with wordpad i didnt get it to work

03-06-2004, 05:56 AM
so here is the grenadier , the stosstruppe and the updated officer
,the stosstruppe is not final yet .
Please help with that hands - i posted the smd file in my last post
- i want u to add those hands from the 12.ss to the grenadiers head - gonna post the head smd with the hands too if it helps u later - but here is a pic first

03-06-2004, 10:50 AM
ok here is the head smd that has the proper hand files - please can someone add this handparts to the other head smd file i posted early - but only the hands part !

Ska Wars
03-06-2004, 12:12 PM
LMAO, oh that officer is too funny for words lol

Nice work on the pack btw, although I dont like the cig in the mouth, it would look weird seeing a dead guy with it still in his gob.

- Ska

03-06-2004, 12:37 PM
u can use a transparent texture for the cigarette to remove it - but maybe some people like it , u can also use a transparent texture to remove the gasmask and u see the face under it .

i got it to work with better hands and updated the stosstruppe,

here is a pic

03-06-2004, 12:44 PM
I like these a lot. The camo in particular.

The gas-mask is a bit passe though IMHO. If you could ditch that and replace it with a good face/head it would be good.

03-06-2004, 01:04 PM
removing the gasmask is quite simple ,all u need is a transparent texture but i will let the gasmask in this pack but i will include the transparent textures - to use them u need jed´s modelviewer- i am sure u know . Maybe i gonna include an alternate face texture for the grenadier when he has no gasmask - here is pic :
do u think i should give the stosstruppe camopants that he looks more different from the officer or is he ok ?

03-06-2004, 01:15 PM
Yeah. Perhaps giving him camopants would help. It would make a difference. Good idea.

I cant use these atm, as official Leagues dont allow any deviation from the default skins and models,as I'm sure you know, but I still like 'em m8.;)

03-06-2004, 01:20 PM
1) nice work

2) on the dark pants of some models notice the horrible pixelation, looks like a texture was stretched WAY out. It has the same problem that all of Your Employee's stuff had at one point. Mess with the textures and this will be A++!

3) loco, here's an idea: use your fav. models, make your dod-models folder, ect. and play with it during practices, pubs, ect. when you go to your offical leagues all you do is re-name your dod-models folder "models2" and steam wont read them, thus giving you default models, thats what I do :D

03-06-2004, 01:27 PM
To be honest, I dont think that mustached officer would work--try to make the officer a little slimer, or having just a standard build. Make the clothes somewhat tight, and not so baggy. In addition, replace some of the faces...they dont look too right...

But besides that, it makes for an interesting pack. I'll be waiting for more details. :)

03-06-2004, 02:10 PM
i think the reason why some things look strange are my screenshots, i always make screenshots of my whole windowsscreen and not with the modelviewer cause the screenshots from the modelviewr totally differs from what they look in the modelviewer - do u understand what i mean.
also i havent try them ingame cause my steam doesnt work at the moment :mad:
@Panzershrek : why should the officer not work ?

im not sure if i give the stosstruppe camopants - i think i give him a swastika armband

03-06-2004, 02:21 PM
Great work :-)
TBH as i know agree with rotkopf about the realisem issue i wouldn't make such a high ranked officer in my pack but i know many don't really care and i agree with you it's more impressive, the officer looks like himler himself heh, he would never command a unit in the field but anyway it looks cool and all also i like your parts choises and your work there is good.

im looking forward to see it released ;]

03-06-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Skullz_Vandal
3) loco, here's an idea: use your fav. models, make your dod-models folder, ect. and play with it during practices, pubs, ect. when you go to your offical leagues all you do is re-name your dod-models folder "models2" and steam wont read them, thus giving you default models, thats what I do :D

Thx m8. I might well try that out!!!!.:D

03-06-2004, 02:48 PM
the officer is Himmler :D , he has the original armband , the collartabs and his face from wolfenstein
- i dont know if his face is the same in the german version then in the us version cause the german version is heavily censored and i only have the german version , but all the insignia they wear is historic correct .
could someone maybe post himmlers head from wolfenstein (US) ?
its in one of the pak files which u can open with winrar.

i hope Himmler as officer offends nobody - i dont want to glorify nazism

Jaco Pastorius
03-06-2004, 03:23 PM
bah people are offended to easily now-a-days release it anyway :)

03-06-2004, 03:58 PM
Since these are the international forums, I doubt many people are going to care anyway. However considering your nickname, I guess you´re not a communist at all :D

Go for it... I´d like to have them without gasmasks and without any Nazi VIP faces... I´m more into realism.


(lol... little insider, eh mortar :P )

03-06-2004, 08:00 PM

03-07-2004, 01:04 AM
i wont change the officer - im working on the stosstruppe at the moment .
What about this Grenadiers faces ?

03-07-2004, 01:51 AM
now my steam is working - every 2 weeks i have to install it completely new :mad:

here is an ingame screenshot :

03-07-2004, 02:23 AM
I´d like to see YOU running around in a uniform with gear and a gasmask for some miles before putting gas masks on the poor player models.

Are you into that kind of stuff? Are you wearing gas masks while having sex too? ;x

And hello Mr. Himmler, I knever knew that ****ing coward ever showed up on frontlines. Oh well, at least he has a fancy parade uniform.

Jaco Pastorius
03-07-2004, 02:57 AM
I like those fancy perade uniforms!

A hitler skin would be cool too, all the important guys.

on the allies you could have roosavelt, Churchill, Stalin, and Truman. Oh that would be sweet.

03-07-2004, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by Rotkopf
I´d like to see YOU running around in a uniform with gear and a gasmask for some miles before putting gas masks on the poor player models.

Are you into that kind of stuff? Are you wearing gas masks while having sex too? ;x

And hello Mr. Himmler, I knever knew that ****ing coward ever showed up on frontlines. Oh well, at least he has a fancy parade uniform.

:D :D :D :D :D

ok here is a ingame pic - as i said in early post i gonna include tranparent textures to remove the gasmask - when u dont like the black uniforms u can reskin them - if u wanna edit this model and release it feel free to do

03-07-2004, 04:32 AM
K, I like most of your set after all, so I´ll edit some things for personal use probably (Heinrich has to go, I´ll replace him with some fancy face from other skin sets :D ). Looking forward to a release ;)

03-07-2004, 04:45 AM
in fact the model is done :
here is pic of the final , updated Stosstruppe ( i just changed the gear)
i gonna include some alternate textures .
All i have to do is make the credits which might need some time :D

Rotkopf can u host it for me ? - the model is about 5mb as zip file

03-07-2004, 05:10 AM
Haha, this looks like a "Everything but the kitchen sink" axis pack.. poor guys ;x

I can host it. Send it via email (don´t exceed 5 mb per email though).

You can contact me via icq ( 89454081 ) or irc #dodmaps (gamesurge/quakenet) as well.

Toejam Football
03-07-2004, 05:57 AM
I dont think it looks like himmler at all anyways :-\

And himmler is a ***** Ernst Rohm would of beat his ass down.. (not in a gay way lmao)

03-07-2004, 06:43 AM
All major Nazis were *****s anyway. Hitler was awarded with the iron cross for running blindly into a gas attack in WW1 :D Goebbels abused his political power to force women into having sex with him (He was ugly as ****, therefore he needed such tools D: ) and well.... Goering was a fat **** who once was a good pilot in WW1 but turned into a drug-addicted fatman during the Nazi regime.

In the end, all of them were cowards. Himmler almost puked when he was watching a mass execution against Jews (and this led to the introduction of "human" genocide with the gas chambers); Eichmann was another "desktop-murderer", who never actually saw the horrors of the concentration camps but murdered many thousands with his job. Most Nazi VIPs also never were at the frontlines and saw how the common Landser suffered in Russia under horrible weather conditions.

Summing it up - they were first class *******s even towards their own people.

03-07-2004, 08:30 AM
Reinhard Heydrich wasnt a coward ,he fly airplanes and was shot down once , then Hitler and Himmler forbid him doing this.
But thats not the topic , Rotkopf what is your email ?

03-07-2004, 08:32 AM
Look at my sig : Henning DOT the DOT S AT gmx DOT de

03-07-2004, 08:37 AM
sorry i tried this , an error occured then
Henning.the.s@gmx.de is this right ? - i didnt want to send such a big email to the wrong adress .
You´re german , arent u ?

03-07-2004, 08:42 AM
Henning.the.S@gmx.de (sigh, even more porn now :( )

Yeah, I´m German, but since I don´t like most people from the German community too much (Many kiddies and very few good people in the forums at all who still play dod), I hang out here. It´s a great place for MSA content anyway :)

03-13-2004, 02:22 AM
ok now im working ión my second version which will totally different from the first version ,
here is a pic of the officer , its far away from a release

03-13-2004, 02:23 AM
the pack will base on this pic :

03-13-2004, 03:04 AM
edit : ok i got it fixed
what to u thing about :

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.