03-05-2004, 01:26 PM
This is a funky release. I converted my old flamethrower spade replacement for 1.1 (new hands and stuff) and I'm including Jackhammer's guitar for the American knife. The flamer comes with a sound too! It's a separate wav so it doesn't replace anything.
There's one little bug though: you can hear the shovel hitting the wall sounds and that stuff. I could have replaced them with empty wavs but then you couldn't hear bayonet sounds D: Also beware: thanks to DoD's "improvements", this kills the fps at high resolutions (it worked fine in 3.1b :P ).
Flamer ingame pic:
Guitar ingame pic:
And the flamethrower in action video (against walls though :F ):
DivX 5.05 (
Download here (
Extract to
steamdir\steamapps\day of defeat\dod\
preserving directory tree and it should work.
There's one little bug though: you can hear the shovel hitting the wall sounds and that stuff. I could have replaced them with empty wavs but then you couldn't hear bayonet sounds D: Also beware: thanks to DoD's "improvements", this kills the fps at high resolutions (it worked fine in 3.1b :P ).
Flamer ingame pic:
Guitar ingame pic:
And the flamethrower in action video (against walls though :F ):
DivX 5.05 (
Download here (
Extract to
steamdir\steamapps\day of defeat\dod\
preserving directory tree and it should work.