How does Jed's HLMV work?

02-28-2004, 11:38 PM
I just can't seem to get the origins right. I set them in Jed's HLMV then try to copy that onto Milkshape but the origins are all ****ed. I tried compiling in Jed's but that doesn't change the model at all.

Trp. Jed
02-29-2004, 01:01 AM
Read the read-me that comes with HLMV (does *anyone*???).

Theres a link to Marzy's tutorial that explains it all with pretty pictures. You dont need Milkshape to re-origin anything.

- Jed

02-29-2004, 04:12 PM
Whenever I try to recompile the model it opens winzip and tries to access a file I don't have even though I have studiomdl.exe and mdldec.exe configured in the tools section.

Trp. Jed
03-01-2004, 02:12 AM
Winzip?! What on earth are you doing?

At most it should open a DOS prompt but not Winzip.

- Jed

03-01-2004, 06:21 PM
i dont know why but my hlmv crashes everytime i open a .mdl file. One thing that works is to replace all the files from jed's hlmv.rar/zip with the ones in the install folder

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.