Need a weapons guy again....

02-28-2004, 12:21 PM
In the thread below i successfully got US skins working with the british.

I figured that the animation reloads cant be fixed, but someone said they could.

Anyone know how to edit animations so that a Lugar or Colt .45 will work with the british?

Also a few of the big guns dont have great animations or have none at all.

02-28-2004, 12:59 PM
Try reskining the British models w/ the American skins. That way you wont have to mess w/ the animations.

02-28-2004, 02:43 PM
err............the models are different, he wants a colt

02-29-2004, 02:31 PM
Taken from an old post of mine, may be of use, ill write a tut on converting later.. but this should explain well enough:

Get the qc files for the gun ur converting, and the gun it's replacing.. so in this case u need the v_aug.qc and v_tommy.qc at the bottom is the animation sequences, what i do is basically make the tommy's match the AUG's... so the tommy's goes like this:

// 6 animation sequence(s)
$sequence "idle" "idle" fps 12
$sequence "reload" "reload" fps 45 { event 5004 24 "weapons/1337tommy_clipout.wav" } { event 5004 100 "weapons/v.wav" }
$sequence "draw" "draw" fps 45 { event 5004 1 "weapons/1337tommy_select.wav" }
$sequence "shoot1" "shoot1" fps 25 { event 5001 1 "31" } { event 6002 1 "0" }
$sequence "shoot2" "shoot2" fps 30 { event 5001 1 "31" } { event 6002 1 "0" }
$sequence "empty_idle" "empty_idle" fps 30

and the AUG's Looks like this:

// 6 animation sequence(s)
$sequence "idle" "idle" fps 30
$sequence "reload" "reload" fps 40 {
{ event 5004 10 "weapons/aug_boltpull.wav" }
{ event 5004 50 "weapons/aug_clipout.wav" }
{ event 5004 88 "weapons/aug_clipin.wav" }
{ event 5004 112 "weapons/aug_boltslap.wav" }
$sequence "draw" "draw" fps 35 { event 5004 9 "weapons/aug_forearm.wav" }
$sequence "shoot1" "shoot1" fps 35 { event 5001 0 "22" }
$sequence "shoot2" "shoot2" fps 35 { event 5001 0 "22" }
$sequence "shoot3" "shoot3" fps 30

This is an EXTREMELY easy conversion because it goes like this in order:

Tommy- Idle Reload Draw Shoot Shoot Idle (empty)
Bullpup- Idle Reload Draw Shoot Shoot Shoot

So as u can see they all match up except for the last one.. the Idle empty would be shooting! so what u have to do is take an idle that is already in the sequences like:
$sequence "idle" "idle" fps 30
and paste it over Shoot3.. so now it matches the tommy perfectly! Compile the qc file.

Now for the sounds! You basically need the GCF Extractor for any conversions because most games dont just have the sounds sitting there.. i only get the necessary ones.. in this case.. the Shooting sound.. and the ones listed in the reload sequence

$sequence "reload" "reload" fps 40 {
{ event 5004 10 "weapons/aug_boltpull.wav" }
{ event 5004 50 "weapons/aug_clipout.wav" }
{ event 5004 88 "weapons/aug_clipin.wav" }
{ event 5004 112 "weapons/aug_boltslap.wav" }

So u need to extract those 4 sounds.. dont change the name UNLESS you changed the name in the qc file also..
Now for the shooting sound... it's listed as AUG-1 in CS, in DoD they are usually listed as XXX_shoot.wav anyways, you're replacing the tommy so grab AUG-1 and rename it Tommy_shoot.wav and ur all set!!

hope this helps!

02-29-2004, 02:37 PM
yah that would work with this problem, make sure to put on your tutorial that it's a "conversion" in which the animations play right, not a model (hands/arm)"conversion"

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