Para/DoD Hedgerow...1.1x compatible version?

02-23-2004, 05:33 AM
I always enjoyed this map, and whether it was para or not, I was wondering if this map was ever updated to work in dod 1.0/1.1

From what I understand there was a general knowledge that the boyz upstairs disliked 'para' mode, but, why wasnt the map updated or released available for custom play? Was planning this for the general forum but I just imagined a big bold "moved" sign in front of it b4 posting.

I heard from a few sources that it was an entity problem, I would suspect the cinematics were the source of the problem, as that would be the only entity hog I could think of. This is here-say however, I do not know this to be a fact.

Can someone confirm this ? Link to working 1.1x version?


Trp. Jed
02-23-2004, 06:12 AM
I think I also remember hearing a quote from Waldo that said that the "para mode" code base wasnt removed, just that there are no para maps in 1.1.

- Jed

02-23-2004, 06:39 AM
No Hedgerow doesn't work with 1.1.

The general concensus amongst DOD players was that PARA was too CS-ey, and well... crap.

Yes Para code is still in DOD. You just select Number Of Respawns, in the info_dod_detect (the default is infinite).

As I said before, you can play Hedgerow in 2.0/2.1; but because theres no Para code in 2.0/2.1, you get respawns :).

02-23-2004, 08:57 PM
I'd really like a dod_hedgerow

Its a really great map

02-23-2004, 09:23 PM
I want a para_hedgerow released...

02-23-2004, 11:36 PM
i loved para_hedgerow, para maps were great.

too bad most people didnt appreciate them that much :(

German Killa
02-24-2004, 12:10 AM
i duuno why ppl don`t like a para modus. cs, COD Search and Destroy Modus it`s like the same. hope the map will come back

02-24-2004, 05:32 AM
personal opinion on para_maps

the idea is great and could be much fun though dod's 3.1 para maps were abit to big which made rounds take a tad to long

02-24-2004, 09:25 AM
I released my tiny para map dod_raiders a while back but like all para maps in a dod world it went "poof" and it's prolly played on only a few servers out there. The overall DoD population cares not for the CS-style of play

02-24-2004, 12:37 PM
I think that's one of the main reasons why they picked dod instead

Capt Winter
02-25-2004, 03:05 PM
I loved those para style maps, and I always enjoyed playing para raiders, but unfortunately i was in the minority, still won't hurt anyone to fix para hedgerow would it.

02-25-2004, 06:03 PM
you either loved em or your hated em, i loved em.

hell, i don't know, maybe if they dropped the time to 1 minute and had a movement checker entity so the last man on the team (or the last men) if they've been afk for the whole round they could be switched to observer by the map.

another posibility is delayed respawns, maybe one every minute or 45 seconds w/respawns dfor when all non afk players on one team are killed. that would certainly add the general basics of para in terms of skill requirement but let you respawn a lot more.

but even then it might not go over that well, people chose dod over cs because it was constant (or more constant) wave action with fun gameplay.

02-25-2004, 07:04 PM
Actually...I should change para_raisers to a CS map and let them have a go at it.

02-25-2004, 07:29 PM
No FuzzDad! dont do it! dont go the ways of the dark side!

The force is strong within you! Stick to the good side! Dont make the same mistake that FuzzGrandad did!

02-25-2004, 11:00 PM
use the hammer, fuzzdad, the hammer!

The Scatman
02-26-2004, 04:20 AM
I liked para gameplay, if it came back it'd need some tweaks

02-26-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by OrbMonky
use the hammer, fuzzdad, the hammer!

Originally posted by Darkwing
No FuzzDad! dont do it! dont go the ways of the dark side!

The force is strong within you! Stick to the good side! Dont make the same mistake that FuzzGrandad did!

Scene: FD is hurtling down the "Should I map for CS Trench" when he hears his old mapping friend LiVingHell in his headset....

"Let CS go, FD!"

Still I hesitate.

"FD, trust the forums!"

"FD, you switched off your CS hammertime editor. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I answered. "I'm all right."

02-26-2004, 12:24 PM

Hey if you like para, convince your local server operator to run more para maps.


02-26-2004, 04:07 PM
and what is with the beutiful map intros i miss them :(

02-26-2004, 05:35 PM
ROFL Fuzz, that was hilarious

02-26-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by floMatic
and what is with the beutiful map intros i miss them :(

Flo...those damn things sucked up entities at an alarming rate...literally half my entity count in para_glider was made up of the glider crash just wasn't worth it...that's something for a single-player game...not MP

02-26-2004, 06:53 PM
damn i loved when the glider crashed into that little german guy

02-27-2004, 04:22 AM
Wasn't there a sequence where they jumped out an airplane on one map (hedgerow if I'm not mistaken?).

Yeah the intros were pretty cool.

PARA would be better if it was renamed to 'last man standing', 'commando mode' (COME ON BRIT COMMANDOS!!) or something; where each player would get 4 respawns - that would make it more popular (and more war like - para felt too sparse), and it would certainly bring back that 'oh sh*t!' factor PARA had.

02-27-2004, 05:50 AM, just eliminate afks, you could time an explosion in the spawn area that would kill off anyone sitting in it.

That would do the trick, AND is completely possible.


02-27-2004, 02:43 PM
Did that in para_raiders....

Ginger Lord
02-27-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by VoodooChild, just eliminate afks, you could time an explosion in the spawn area that would kill off anyone sitting in it.

That would do the trick, AND is completely possible.


Unlucky if you had a bit of lag or joined the server late but still got in:



Argh 3 minutes!

02-27-2004, 03:17 PM
i dunno i rather liked my idea for 'strained spawn' para maps. because it's my idea of course :P

an explosion might be the proper way to go though. you could make an explosion 30 seconds after the last spawn message was sent if that's possible (haven't done too much tinkering with spawn enteties or explosions) that might prevent the situation in the above post.

also where can i download para_raiders?

02-27-2004, 05:10 PM

02-27-2004, 06:06 PM
i can't find it, need a direct link... searched for like 10 minutes (i bet its in a really obvious place heh)

02-27-2004, 07:23 PM
The explosion in spawn worked for raiders, but when there is only a few people in the server and such a small map, when games ended quickly you would spawn and get blown up.

02-27-2004, 07:50 PM
lol...i suppose I should make the time factor 30 sec then instead of a min.


02-27-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by FuzzDad
Scene: FD is hurtling down the "Should I map for CS Trench" when he hears his old mapping friend LiVingHell in his headset....

"Let CS go, FD!"

Still I hesitate.

"FD, trust the forums!"

"FD, you switched off your CS hammertime editor. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I answered. "I'm all right."

LOL :)

I'm glad para maps are gone. They reminded me too much of the thing I hate most about CS: waiting for 2 minutes because some smacktard is afk. While I agree that the concept was good, the nature of round based play is that it often leads to camping and endless waiting. It is especially frustrating to noobs because they get killed in the first 30 seconds and have to wait for 2 minutes before they can play again.

I do like the new 'para' style maps that involve objectives other than flags though I would like to see them made to be a little more special. Often times I dont even realize that a map is 'para' until I see a guy with a folding stock carbine. Something needs to be done to set the para maps apart from the rest. I proposed in another thread to put parachutes in to make the map have more atmosphere. Maybe the first spawn would consist of an airdrop. If the people started out already in the sky (not in the plane), then it wouldn't even need more brushes/entities (I don't know too much about mapping) though it would probably need a larger skybox.

may the forums be with you

02-27-2004, 08:14 PM
thanks fuzzdad

02-27-2004, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Star Wars Kid
I do like the new 'para' style maps that involve objectives other than flags though I would like to see them made to be a little more special. Often times I dont even realize that a map is 'para' until I see a guy with a folding stock carbine. Something needs to be done to set the para maps apart from the rest. I proposed in another thread to put parachutes in to make the map have more atmosphere. Maybe the first spawn would consist of an airdrop. If the people started out already in the sky (not in the plane), then it wouldn't even need more brushes/entities (I don't know too much about mapping) though it would probably need a larger skybox.

indeed, para maps should have something to set it aside from the rest besides a little change in objectives and models

it needs more sex

02-27-2004, 09:38 PM
Why doesn't para_hedgerow work in 1.0/1.1? They didn't remove the para code-base in 1.0/1.1 right? Theoritcally speaking, para_hedgerow should work in 1.0 and 1.1 'cause it's exactly the same codebase to b3.1. Perhaps, some entities in para-hedgerow might be causing conflicts, such as the dod_camera and perhaps movewith features.....Or maybe some other things that no longer work in 1.0 onwards...Maybe try to use Botman stripper plugin to remove entities or recompile entities to perhaps try to get it to work. WOrse come to worse, remake the map!

To prevent campers camping out in who knows where, you could also create an invisible box mission area dod_capture_area over the main fighting area in the map. When you are outside the mission area, you are deemed to be off the battlefield. WHen you are inside the mission area, you are deemed to be on the battlefield. This mission area would activate after 35 sec, so you must get into business immediately. This mission area takes 10 sec to capture to win. So, anyone that chooses to camp out in odd places, would be deemed as "off the battlefield" and would need to get back into the mission area. Also, if you want a real para-drop, the Tribes-style of mapping might be neeed, where terrain/vegetation and architecture area are 2 seperate stuffs and vis blocking is something which doesn't take much importance (though you can still do some vis blockign techniques)! You could also have a pathfinder kind of map where surviving players can try and call in refinrocements (ie. call your dead friends in) into the they wun need to wait for the silly round to end. This is kinda like a ressurect ability, but of course it's a realistic form of ressurect.

02-29-2004, 04:45 AM
It won't work because it has too many entities!

The main problem was with PARA was that the defending team would camp by the objectives, which for obvious reasons was boring; or they would go on the hunt for enemy soldiers, in what degenerated to Team-DM.

02-29-2004, 12:10 PM
i don't know how that would be boring.... i mean for 10 minutes yeah, sitting in the same spot would be really boring (like current objective maps if you hope to win them). para maps generally lasted about 2-4 minutes.

the tension is what makes the gameplay interesting, since all the good players do their best to be as stealthy as possible when against a serious enemy. it's just really friggin intense when you get down to it.

i think the times should have been shortened to about 1 minute and the maps made considerably smaller with limited defensive positions for the defending team and the offensive team (some teams always like to rush and catch the attackers off guard at times) this way they would have to be mobile and active, not prone and sleeping. at the very least they would be prone and nervous.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.