02-23-2004, 04:51 AM
Heya !
I don't know if someone is already working in that but maybe it would be cool to make/create a bastogne-like map. Inspired on the BoB episode 'Bastogne'?
(For the people that haven't seen it, here are some images:
Last one isn't from Bob but shows good resemblance: )
Steel Blade
02-23-2004, 05:03 AM
Some one has made one: dod_coldline and some one is working on the exact bob map now. You'll have to do a search because the names and people escape me. Good luck
*EDIT* Carnage was working on dod_powershift, which is from that picture:
02-23-2004, 05:04 AM
dod_coldline_v1 is a bastogne based map from stoffer, he was working on 2nd version tho, dunno what happened with that, and there's a WIP from dod_melt(I think) that's about a bastogne map and there was another one released shortly, I think dod_points??? not sure tho.
02-23-2004, 07:01 PM
yah but why does the allies always have to be on the attacking side >_< how about a map based on when the allies already have bastogne :o
02-23-2004, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by NoobieSnack
Heya !
I don't know if someone is already working in that but maybe it would be cool to make/create a bastogne-like map. Inspired on the BoB episode 'Bastogne'?
(For the people that haven't seen it, here are some images:
Last one isn't from Bob but shows good resemblance: )
Excellent idea! Original! I've never heard that one before!
02-23-2004, 08:50 PM
true, im still working on dod_powershift (dod_points is a totally different map that I released, but it was pretty old), its just that progress is slow and things keep comming up but I dont plan on throwing this map away. Im gonna work on it
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