custom flag question

02-18-2004, 01:47 AM
i downloaded some custom flags, edited them in photshop to include a server name, imported into HLMV, and saved. it is all well and good except for the fact that in game, the flags show up unedited...that is, without the text i added. on a hunch, i opened up the flags.mdl file (which was a nazi flag) and added the same text. this time the text showed up, but every flag (capped or not, allied or axis) came up as the axis flag.

im a little confused as to why:
a) if i saved the edited version right over the working custom file, why wont the text show?


b) after i edited it, why did the flags.mdl file replace every flag in-game?

any help would be appreciated. thanks a lot.

Captain Dan
02-22-2004, 04:56 PM
There are seperate flags for each country in your dod/models/mapmodels folder:

a_flag=American Flag
b_flag=British Flag
g_flag=German Flag

well, something like those at least, i'm not 100% positive.

Try editing one of those individually and see if it helps :).

Captain Dan

02-22-2004, 05:10 PM
no, that's for beta when they didn't have submodels >_<

when you opened the flag.mdl did you import your flag on all 3 flags or just 1 like you were supposed to >_<

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