Detail Textures in the latest HL Update

Trp. Jed
02-15-2004, 04:52 PM
Just spotted this on Valve-ERC, published today and thought I would point it out.

A recent engine update added detail textures to the Half-Life engine. A detail texture is simply an extra texture that is faded in as you get closer to a surface, providing extra detail instead of the usual blur when a texture is enlarged.

- Jed

02-15-2004, 05:12 PM
Wow! Now that's really awesome! I haven't expected to see something like that in the over 5 year old HL engine!

02-16-2004, 02:20 AM
Maybe they should first fix some of old HL bugs and bump up some hard-set limits.

I think this "feature" are because of CS-CZ mainly (first commercial game sold thru Steam). Even now you can use 512x512 or even larger textures (as r_speeds killers though :-\)

02-16-2004, 04:45 AM
Well guys, I think detail can still pretty good for HL1, considering that textures are the real magic behind any map for any game.

With the right textures, your map's look will be fantastic looking. Gameplay is another story....

Basically these guys dont tell you that the 512x512 textures are gonna jack up your texture memory used on your map. Im using 1 currently for my WiP, and I did notice a difference when I excluded it. I see little point in using this feature, seems like it would be one more annoying little setting in your compile process your likely to forget about.

Also, I recommend allocating about 0.5 - 1MB of extra room for your texture memory in your map. Use Batch Compiler to do so.

Even if r-speeds reach 1000 or higher, if your texture memory is good than its gonna run fine. (of course they're are always exceptions. A crappy comp is #1) If you dont believe me, download my map when it comes out. You'll notice quite the chop if you havent allocated the proper amount of texture memory to your map, even if your r-speeds are fine. Im wondering if you can even compile it without doing so.

Newer graphics cards have settings (ex. Gf3-Gf4) that allow you to bump up the amount of texture memory it allocates to your card. I bumped my Gf3 to use 32mb of its ram to texture memory, and my games run smoother than ever, as 1/2 of my card is dedicated to textures, and the rest to whatever it needs.


02-16-2004, 06:09 AM
Personnaly i don't like steam. Krug might die with won.

02-16-2004, 06:38 AM
Are these new hi-res textures in the WAD file or not?
If not, are they external files (like BMPs)?

Just imagine what Dog1 would be like with this... completely forked.

02-16-2004, 08:24 AM
I despise detail textures.

02-16-2004, 09:12 AM
From what I've seen of the CZ pictures, they look like a major improvement. Just as long as FPS and r_speeds don't suffer, I'm all for them.

BTW, what happened to Gearbox' HL engine improvements (improved geometry, etc)?

02-16-2004, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Craftos
Maybe they should first fix some of old HL bugs and bump up some hard-set limits.

I think this "feature" are because of CS-CZ mainly (first commercial game sold thru Steam). Even now you can use 512x512 or even larger textures (as r_speeds killers though :-\)

Texture size has nothing to do with r_speeds, scaling them in hammer does. I don't see how a 512 texture increases r_speeds over a 256 one.

02-17-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by Kamikazi!
Texture size has nothing to do with r_speeds, scaling them in hammer does. I don't see how a 512 texture increases r_speeds over a 256 one.
512x512 textured wall will be cut to more 224x224 pieces. I assumed that you would use high-res textures scaled down to get more detailed walls.

[edit] Ok, I've didn't noticed that VERC article :p.
Well, I'm not convinced to this method but will try to see how it looks like in test map.

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