Why do people do this?

[907th] Kentz
02-14-2004, 04:12 PM
I've been playing DoD since 2.0 and have been visiting these Forums since then also. I always wondered why when people make skins and all that they post a pic of the finished product in HL model viewer or some other editing program? I am just completely puzzled as to why someone would choose that method over an in-game screenshot. I would NEVER even bother downloading a skin unless I see an in-game pic of it first. For over a year now, I always wondered that. Personally posting any but an in-game screenshot is not getting your work out to as many people as possible. I mean, who wants to download this file, install it, crank up Steam just to check it out. Then come to the conclusion that you don't really like it and want to change it back to the previous one you had? There must be a logical reason for this? I just don't get it. If it's out of laziness, then I understand, but actually thinking that people want to see a pic from HL Model Viewer of the model from some odd angle is way way way off.

Can someone please clarify the reasoning behing this?

02-14-2004, 04:14 PM
it's just so much easier and faster

02-14-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Pvt.Malarkey
it's just so much easier and faster


besides.. it looks the same in game, as it does in HLMV (minus a weapon) ... Are you trying to coordinate a pretty outfit with a decorative backdrop for which to take glamour pictures?


02-14-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by [907th] Kentz
I mean, who wants to download this file, install it, crank up Steam just to check it out. Then come to the conclusion that you don't really like it and want to change it back to the previous one you had? There must be a logical reason for this? I just don't get it. If it's out of laziness, then I understand, but actually thinking that people want to see a pic from HL Model Viewer of the model from some odd angle is way way way off.

ummm....there is no difference.

how about we all set our hlmv background to a screenshot to make everyone happy:rolleyes:

02-14-2004, 05:42 PM
that would work great, all people need is a nice blank screenshot of avalanche with nobody running around, and ta-da :)

02-14-2004, 06:00 PM
the background looks ugly... 256 colors and small resolution.

anyway... i don't see the big deal, it's very very close to your ingame view just the lighting is diffrent, besides you should thank us for giving you the option to enjoy the game more, you are the one who should not be lazy to check it ingame cause it takes just 1 minute to copy a model to the steam folder, enter a dod map and see it.

I don't know what about the other guys around here but my work i do for myself, if i like it i release it.
I don't try to create something so people would like it, if i get a good feedback then of course im very happy about it and im glad other people use what i release but that's not my main reason to work, so... for me entering HLMV > Print screen > Photshop > paste edit and save seem to be much comfortable to use.

and btw... you better start downloading things you see in the HLMV otherwise im very sorry for your great loss brother.


Trp. Jed
02-14-2004, 08:45 PM
I just spent 3 hours rendering a model in POV-Ray to make it look nice.

I think I'll stick with HLMV.

- Jed

02-15-2004, 11:40 AM
yea, if we were payed to do this, im sure we would all take nice ingame screen shots and make pov ray renders and such, but where not.

and i know i dont stand alone when i say alot of models that look excelent in renders look really ****ty ingame, usually its just the skin but id rather post an accutrate representation of what my models would loook like in game without actually opening up steam etc.so i either use jeds hlmv or ms to tak e screenshots and throw em together with mspaint lol, nice quick and effective.

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