Trying to find a map-help

02-08-2004, 12:05 PM
I'm trying to find a map for d/l but can't remember the name. It had an open field of dirt, with a few small hills and the axis have 2 Panzer IV's that attack and can be destroyed. A p51 flies over occasionally as well. If anyone could tell me the name or a place to d/l it'd be a big help.

02-08-2004, 12:26 PM
Blitzkrieg That was not a serious map, just a mapping experimentation to show some entities, :D Trust me there are much more exciting maps. If you like tanks try this one too
Note that i have much more unreleased stuff in store LOL
I guess waypoints are included. Can't remember. Have fun.

Draft Dodger
02-09-2004, 11:26 AM
Blitzkrieg does have waypoints. I found it and played it with my friends the other day and had lots and lots of fun. Blowing those tanks is just too cool! Looks like I'll have to try dod_mythic now...:)

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