fgd mod: adding another custom sprite

02-05-2004, 03:00 PM
Is it possible to add a 4th obj_icon_custom sprite to the fgd to allow it?

Right now your only allowed 3 custom sprites for your capture/flag points, which makes me wonder why, considering the CHURCH sprite is fairly common and should be on the list of official ones (radio, jeep, bridge, etc) and they could easily have made it 6 to be on the safe side.

These sprites Im talking about are in the dod/sprites/obj_icons folder

Is there a way to mod this in the Fgd??? I couldnt find anything on obj_sprites in the file. Btw the fields im talking about are in the dod_area entity


heres the dod_area fgd lines: Note the "sprite to show on hud' line.

@SolidClass base(Targetname,Target,MoveWith,Master) = dod_capture_area : "Capture Area"
area_allies_cancap(choices) : "Can Allies Cap?" : 1 =
1 : "Yes"
0 : "No"

area_axis_cancap(choices) : "Can Axis Cap?" : 1 =
1 : "Yes"
0 : "No"

area_allies_numcap(integer) : "Number of Allies to cap" : 1
area_axis_numcap(integer) : "Number of Axis to cap" : 1

area_time_to_cap(integer) : "Time to cap (sec)" : 5

area_allies_startcap(string) : "Target when allies start capture" : ""
area_allies_breakcap(string) : "Target when allies cap is broken" : ""
area_allies_endcap(string) : "Target when allies complete capture" : ""

area_axis_startcap(string) : "Target when axis start capture" : ""
area_axis_breakcap(string) : "Target when axis cap is broken" : ""
area_axis_endcap(string) : "Target when axis complete capture" : ""

area_hud_sprite(sprite) : "Sprite to show on HUD" : ""

area_object_group(string) : "Requires Object from this group:" : ""

02-05-2004, 03:20 PM
The fgd is the pivot between the datas given by the .map file and the dlls, in order to generate the bsp.

Assuming all the players use the same dlls, only the dod team coders can and are allowed to change the dlls.
The dlls should be changed first, then the fgd modified.

The answer to the question "Is it possible to add a 4th obj_icon_custom sprite to the fgd to allow it?" is "Ask kindly to the dod team but don't modify the fgd yourself otherwise the datas won't match the dlls."
I wish AB could explain you this in clear words.

02-05-2004, 04:06 PM
i understand. Its simple. I COULD modify it, but there is no corresponding 'code' in the game. So it would be basically pointless.

sucky. oh well.

02-06-2004, 11:41 AM
Has there been any attempt by either the dod team or some outside source to bring submodel support in VHE?

Would this be a fgd mod too, or a tweak of VHE itself? Its kind of an important thing to do DOD TEAM, considering you took out all those other models to save space and throw submodels into the mix. Im not complaining, im just wondering if your planning to support the mappers like you are the modelers with MODEL STUDIO.

So tell us, how the hell do you guys clip submodels properly withouht having to use some semi-transparent brush and tweaking it over and over and over in a small compiled map.

That gets really old. Do you other guys use Milkshape as reference?


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