Is it possible to make custom dynamic xhairs?

02-02-2004, 08:43 PM
Hey guys. I know how to make my own xhairs with the new customXHair.spr file that holds 16 xhairs in it, but I would really like to know how to make a dynamic xhair, and the customXHair.spr file xhairs can't be dynamic. I've searched and searched, but I just can't find any tutorials on how to make dynamic xhairs, or even anything indicating wether or not it is possible. I have a hunch that if you replace the default xhair (which is dynamic) that you will be able to make a different dynamic xhair, but I would still need to know what the format of the file is (ie. what pixel is the center of the xhair and where do the moving parts go).

So if anyone has any info about this, I would really appriciate hearing from you.

02-02-2004, 09:16 PM
You do need to replace the default crosshair to make a dynamic crosshair of your own. To get the proper dimentions, you should look at the default sprite yourself. Due to the nature of the current dynamic crosshair, the possibilities for customization are limited at best.

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