
02-01-2004, 05:32 PM
There is a new custom map server.It is 1DOD.com 1DoD.com (CUSTOM MAP SERVER)

02-02-2004, 04:07 AM
You should say which maps are on the rotation on the front page or something; rather than just in the downloads section.

You should put Festung_v4 I notice it is in the downloads section), schwetz and koln in the rotation. I'm puzzled as to why crete is there though!

Pretty nice website though. :)

02-05-2004, 03:25 PM
Thanks CptMuppet,

I will add the current rotation to the main page of the site. The site is still very new and we are learning as we go..... for the current rotation of the server, it will always be held by a vote. (every two weeks we will be changing the rotation)

About the maps we have in the download section we will be hosting as many as we can. If anyone has a map they would like to have hosted in our Dl's section, please stop on by the forums and PM "Gman" or "Bad".


1DoD.com (http://1dod.com/)

02-07-2004, 06:42 AM
Nice site,all the maps i need.Also server runs great. Good job guys.

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