Tutorial: Converting 1.0 Models to 1.1

01-26-2004, 04:47 PM

Hi, you can download a Document file of this tutorial here. (http://editor321.telefragged.com/Tutorial/Tutorial.zip)

Tutorial: Converting 1.0 Models to 1.1

Hey all, this is Editor321 here, making this tutorial J.

Lets get started.

The first things you will need are the following programs:

Jed’s Half Life Model Viewer- http://www.wunderboy.org/

chUmbaLum sOft’s MilkShape 3D- http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/

A note on MS3D, any version will do.

You also need the new compiler, which can be found here: http://editor321.telefragged.com/Tutorial/studiomdl.exe

You can either use the decompiler that comes with MS or you can use this one:

A note on mdldec.exe, its easy to use, you can either integrate it into Jeds HLMV, like so:


Now, lets start.

First off grab yourself a copy of the default model. (1.1) You can get them here: http://editor321.telefragged.com/Tutorial/default anim.zip

Extract them to their own directory like: C:\Work\default anim\
Then we want to decompile them. If you have mdl.exe integrated into Jed’s HLMV we can easily do it like so:


It will bring up a box that will scroll lots and lots of text, don’t worry its just breaking the model into 1,500 pieces J.

We leave the default for now.

Now take the custom model that you want to update, put it into a directory like C:\work\custom model\, and go into that directory and decompile that aswell.

Once you have both models decompiled the fun begins.

Go to the default anim dir, and find a file called “axis-inf.qc”

Double click on the file and tell windows to open it with notepad:


Now you will see this:


Don’t worry about what it means, its best not to at this stage
Find a line that says:
“// 2 attachments
$attachment 0 "Bip01 L Hand" 0.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000
$attachment 1 "Bip01 Head" 7.000000 0.000000 0.000000

// 0 bone controllers

// 21 hit boxes
$hbox 3 "Bip01 Pelvis" -5.000000 -5.000000 -7.000000 1.500000 6.000000 7.000000
$hbox 6 "Bip01 L Leg" 4.000000 -4.000000 -3.580000 18.110001 4.250000 3.430000…. etc etc”

you now want to copy everything from “// 2 attachments, TO THE VERY END OF THE QC FILE.

Now open the custom model’s qc file and find the same place, REPLACE the TEXT. In short find “// 2 attachments” in the custom model qc file and delete everything below it, including “// 2 attachments”, then copy in the default anim qc file piece. We are replacing it with up to date info.

Now, at the top of the custom model qc, it will look like this:

================================================== ============================

QC script generated by Half-Life MDL Decompiler v1.01.
2002, Kratisto. Based on code from Valve's HL SDK.

Original model name: .\mdl\player\axis-inf\axis-inf.mdl

================================================== ============================

$modelname "axis-inf.mdl"
$cd ".\"
$cdtexture ".\"
$scale 1.0


See that space between $scale 1.0 and $externatextures? Add “$cliptotextures”, and save the qc file, overwriting the old one.
Now go to your default animation directory.

Right click on the directory and sort by TYPE.

Now you have to pick thru and delete the following files for a sure fire compile.





If they don’t exist, don’t worry.

NOW, this is important, copy all the remaining .smd files to your custom model folder, OVERWRITING THE OLD ONES. This may take some time.

Once this is completed, go into Jed’s HLMV and go to “Tools” and hit “Compile Model”
Then point it to C:\work\custom model\and point it at the qc file.
That big window of loads of #’s will go flying by and it will take about 2-3 minutes to compile. Once its done view your model. J And test it ingame, if there is anything wrong, that do it again.

If there is anything missing or if you have probs, etc post here

01-26-2004, 05:55 PM
Too bad my Milkshape expired. :(

/Goes hunting for another version.

01-26-2004, 06:03 PM
if you have everything else, you dont need ms

01-26-2004, 10:30 PM
Swedish, come join the IRC chat room. I'll hook you up. And thanks Editor for taking your time to type that out.

Toejam Football
01-26-2004, 11:32 PM
Thanks a lot editor this is great

01-27-2004, 12:13 AM
Hey Editor, when I finally compile the custom model it takes only like 1 second to do. Strange? I’m gonna test it ingame sooner or later. :confused:

01-27-2004, 01:32 AM
if it takes that sort a time, you've done something wrong.

01-27-2004, 02:32 AM
Well actually, all it seems to do is flash and then disappear. The window that shows the progress just does that. :confused:

Toejam Football
01-27-2004, 02:36 AM
try going into ms dos prompt

type this

cd "c:\" <--- type the exact path where the qc file u are trying to compile is at

then type

studiomdl.exe us-inf.qc

or whatever u have

make sure that studiomdl.exe and the qc are in the same folder that u typed in above

01-27-2004, 03:47 AM
Nevermind, turned out I made some mistake along the way on my first try.

I'm gonna preview these Your Employee models tommorow, and release a pack if I can find a host.

Trp. Jed
01-27-2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by {CoR} ez
Swedish, come join the IRC chat room. I'll hook you up.


/me pokes a sharp stick up {CoR} ez bottom.

Let him pay for it. Mete works bloody hard to make Milkshape and for what he asks for it its well worth the investment.

- Jed

01-27-2004, 09:21 AM
thanks alot for this tutorial without it i couldnt have done this to devins ssv4 for 1.0 and made it to 1.1 release will be today at sum point here is a prev, ty again editor

01-27-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by swedish
Nevermind, turned out I made some mistake along the way on my first try.

I'm gonna preview these Your Employee models tommorow, and release a pack if I can find a host.

check your pm's

01-29-2004, 05:46 PM
Quick question, relatively new to converting, the only stuff I did before were the aiming animation replacements released a long time ago. The animation smd's from the axis-inf model will work for everything else, correct? I won't need default allied to make allied guys or brits, or para?

I think it'll work just fine myself, but asking now rather than be unprepared and have something go wrong.

01-29-2004, 07:21 PM
yes, you can use those animations sequences for non axis models, they are all the same

01-29-2004, 07:32 PM
Thanks, that's what I thought, was just making sure.

01-29-2004, 10:21 PM
Thanks for the instructions :)

Being a noob at this stuff, i'm suprised I decomplied and complied these old models of mine.

01-30-2004, 07:21 PM

why my model looks likes this???

(its the Jaja pimp players model)

what its wrong?

i just followed editors steps

01-31-2004, 12:08 AM
Can you use this same process to turn 3.1 models into 1.1 models?

01-31-2004, 08:13 AM
it only works with 1.0-1.1, as for what you did wrong, hard to say, its best to just redo it and see if you get the same error

Mussolini HeadK
02-02-2004, 07:05 AM

A big thankyou for taking the trouble to put all this in writing - I'm sure lots of ppl wanted something like this.



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