Release: dod_cr44 (contest winner :)

01-21-2004, 03:17 AM
Hello everybody.

I am proud to present my map. It is heavily updated classic dod_cr44_b3 by KominAaa. I am especially happy because it won contest on successor of this classic map organized by ( I've tried to keep dod_cr44_b3 type of gameplay, not include much new paths but upgrade it and add some fun options.
Anyway, here it is: 6 flags; Time based point system (basically not changed from original version); a bit larger size, more open buildings.
Special thanks goes to KominAaa for releasing rmf file, Rotkopf, German Killa and all guys from Here are some screenshots.

Thank you all for hosting and everyone who includes it in server rotation.

[edit] Update A this post (

01-21-2004, 04:03 AM
thoroughly deserved winner. This is high quality ( i reckon its better than dod_saints ) and it looks beautifull. WEll done, congratulations.

01-21-2004, 05:36 AM
Oh la la.

German Killa
01-21-2004, 06:25 AM
add a mirror at

Map is also running on our server

01-21-2004, 07:14 AM
Looks very nice. The lighting is like in dod_Cherbourg.
So it is called dod_cr44, eh?

01-21-2004, 09:21 AM
This might be the best custom map ever created. The quality is equal to or better then many of the standard maps . . .


01-21-2004, 09:28 AM
Congratulations! The staff AND the playtesters both liked your version best, and I´m happy that we finally managed to get the maps out.

Remember guys : This is the official new dod_cr44, if you want to create your own version, name it dod_cr44_yourname or something else. :)

Capt. Darling
01-21-2004, 10:10 AM
Wow, it does look beautiful (love the lighting)!

01-21-2004, 10:48 AM
veeeeery nice, love the lighting, like a sunset/sunrise.

01-21-2004, 11:57 AM
hey.. very nice :)

ahh.. and Congratulation :D

Ginger Lord
01-21-2004, 12:19 PM

01-21-2004, 01:21 PM
can some one more experienced than me please do some waypints?

i will make some while we wait:

i'll keep you posted when i finnish them;)

01-22-2004, 05:47 AM
Ok, some bugs found already. :)

It seems that I had a spy in my team. He was constantly messing some things in this map. I thought I found him, but it appears that he was hiding in orchestra department. Those who senn this map before know that it has problems with fanfares from some time. It refused to announce winning team and recently reversed scoring system which was giving points not to team who deserved it but opposite one. But this traitor was found, problems repaired and now orchestra plays even under Steam. If he has any connection with Red Orchestra is to be determined. ;-)
I've checked it several times on my computer But now I want to be sure if everything is ok if map is played from dedicated server. So I need someone to run it and view if it's right. PM or mail me for a link to new version.

01-22-2004, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by Craftos
It seems that I had a spy in my team. He was constantly messing some things in this map. I thought I found him, but it appears that he was hiding in orchestra department. Those who senn this map before know that it has problems with fanfares from some time. It refused to announce winning team and recently reversed scoring system which was giving points not to team who deserved it but opposite one. But this traitor was found, problems repaired and now orchestra plays even under Steam. If he has any connection with Red Orchestra is to be determined. ;-)
I've checked it several times on my computer But now I want to be sure if everything is ok if map is played from dedicated server. So I need someone to run it and view if it's right. PM or mail me for a link to new version. OK your english isn't that good but to check:

you had a saboteur, possibly from the RO UT2k3 mod.

If this is right then it's a highly bizarre and extremely pathetic incident. Why go after a cutom mapper?

01-22-2004, 08:54 AM
Maybe youre right, I had some trouble with sounds which played ok in old DoD but refused in Steam, that was a joke :). If you ran this map you could notice that after winning nothing happens on audio side then map restarts, also losing team gets award points :).

Anyway I fixed these problems, but to be sure if everything is ok now, I asked if anyone running a server could check if it is really. So I give a link, he checks. If ok I release to the public.

01-22-2004, 02:44 PM
You may now play the "final" version of dod_cr44 on the Kustom Kettle . . .



01-22-2004, 05:18 PM
it looks gorgeous

01-22-2004, 06:01 PM
now i get it.

Colonel Forbin
01-22-2004, 08:07 PM
nice nice. I know contest entries were restricted to modifications, but I do preffer saints because of it's modificaitons it's more of a rework than a graphical improvement (but it is that as well).

This is very nice though :)

01-23-2004, 05:04 AM

iv nearly finnished (75% done).
BOTs should work perfect, if iv missed anything when i release the waypoints then please let me know.

should be done by next week!:D

01-26-2004, 04:26 AM
[Hopefully this will stay up and not get pwned by the moderators but we'll see]

TBH i don't like it. Visually it is unimpressive and looks as though you dropped two dozen cardboard houses into the map, and a spinkling of models to fill the gaps. (i'm not going to get onto the fact that there are randomly places small crates everywhere)

As for techinal bugs:

There are no messages to the players - specifically as to what to use the tnt for

The tnt is completely flawed. There is no sound effect for placing of the tnt, the trigger area is too small and is in completely the wrong place. The only way to blow the barracades is to go around the back of them to do it - why bother if you're already passed them???????????? Totally defeats the point of them doesn't it?

FYI the dodmaps download is (or was) missing arc_xer_tree2_scaled.mdl - this is guarunteed to bring your server down it it's missing.

And how is this the much hyped "final version" if you are going to release another update >_<


01-26-2004, 05:06 AM
furthermore, @Craftos, I think taking all the credit for being the creator of dod_cr44 is wrong. You didn't do the layout as far as I know.

01-26-2004, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by iAn
The tnt is completely flawed. There is no sound effect for placing of the tnt, the trigger area is too small and is in completely the wrong place. The only way to blow the barracades is to go around the back of them to do it - why bother if you're already passed them????????????
Maybe because other players from your team will be able to go thru gate after you blow it. Cap area is in that place so without blowing that part, gameplay is the same as in old dod_cr44_b3 and without some team effort it doesn't change.
Why boxes - because I wanted to give players some cover on the streets. Boxes are r_speeds-friendly way to do it. E_Polies and W_Polies are already high, so without huge increase of these parameters you can't use some nicer things. In this case I prefer gameplay over visual FPS-killers.

And how is this the much hyped "final version" if you are going to release another update >_<Version Swordzkof was talking about was meant to fix most visible bugs. AFAIK map you (not me) call 'final' isn't publicly available anywhere now, so I take the occasion to gather more constructive feedback.

Originally posted by kleinluka...

KominAaa, if you see something not right contact me ASAP.

01-26-2004, 10:35 AM
I dont know whats in the txt file but I just want to be mentionned as the author of the original map layout.

01-26-2004, 11:03 AM
They were bothered by my sig to be exact (but it is now different).
Released map txt file is:

Crossing Roads
Redesigned by Craftos, Original map (dod_cr44_b3) by Kominaa.

21 june 1944,The battle for Normandy in on and Allies take little by little
control of the bocage, also known as "the green hell". They have to secure
all places important for transport of supplies further to interior of France.

Allies: A crucial roads meet in this small town. Capture and control bridges
along with the town to help our transports.

Axis: Defend the city. It contains bridges important for Allies' transports.
Without them Allies will advance slower and our troops will have time to
regroup and setup more defences.

Textures by Kominaa, Absolut vodka, Kleinluka, Kamikazi, Blazeer, Xerent.
Models by Flo-matic, H&K, Tolchok, DoD team.
Sky by me."

but in updated version to be released it will be:

Crossing Roads
Updated by Craftos, Original map (dod_cr44_b3) by KominAaa.

21 june 1944,The battle for Normandy in on and Allies take little by little
control of the bocage, also known as "the green hell". They have to secure
all places important for transport of supplies further to interior of France.

Allies: A crucial roads meet in this small town. Capture and control bridges
along with the town to help our transports.

Axis: Defend the city. It contains bridges important for Allies' transports.
Without them Allies will advance slower and our troops will have time to
regroup and setup more defences.

Note: TNT set-up time is 10 seconds.

Textures by KominAaa, Absolut vodka, kleinluka, Kamikazi, Blazeer, Xerent.
Models by Flo-matic, H&K, Tolchok, DoD team.
Original layout by KominAaa
Sky by me.

01-26-2004, 03:29 PM
Got yer mail, will add mirror asap.
(sowwy but i must have missed this map ):confused:

01-28-2004, 01:20 AM
"Warning: This map uses original flo_grass model with just one submodel which is also present in Steamed DoD 1.1. There is also floating newer file with more submodels but looking worse IMO. It can replace the one used here and present in DoD 1.1. You have been warned. Both files have the same name.

Hm Same name as the Original "huuuuu" thats strange we have the Original to on the Server.
Bad for this map.
And the Model hmm.:confused: :mad:

01-28-2004, 09:39 AM
Erm, I'm not sure if I can understand you right :confused:.

This text is written because the other file can change the look of this map; I don't know if it is really flomatic's design. the other file can also change look of many std DoD maps (i.e. dod_charlie) because they use first version too. First version is included in DoD since 1.1 and with this map, cause it isn't present in DoD 1.0.

You can do what you want on your computer but don't blame me if map will look different. That's the sense of above text.

02-12-2004, 08:44 AM
waypoints are finished

i have no doubt missed something so please tell me if i have

03-10-2004, 01:47 AM
Update A:

I finally release CR44 update. At first it was supposed to be just bug-fixing update but because many complained about gameplay, I decided to change some more things. Visuals and general layout is exactly the same. Changes are:
- 2 man flag caps on bridges, added needed cover in the middle.
- Barricades moved to bridge area, gates pushed back. Barricades can be blown from both sides (2 'caps' needed from bridge side, 1 cap from inside)
- new exit from Axis spawn
- new side routes near spawn areas providing better way out (and also in, to 1st flags)
- 1st flags pushed back from spawns for easier full caps
- Cover on streets reorganized
- MG setups in sniper windows, central area
- Removed some extra models

Waypoints included (thx Godcha).

Special thanks to DSSGR and British Airborne for playtesting and comments.

Links: (thx Speed Bean) (thx to German Killa).

Heinrich M
03-10-2004, 02:36 PM
Thanks Craftos, I think this map is awesome, love it! :)

03-28-2004, 07:32 PM
too bad KK uses cr44_b3. What are they thinking!?

03-28-2004, 10:43 PM
Looks awsome. Congrats.

03-29-2004, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Silverghost
too bad KK uses cr44_b3. What are they thinking!? It's their server so they can play what they want.
Secret :) internal voting about cr44 successor was something like this:
1) saints
2) cr44_b3 (original)
3) cr44 (mine)

PS. Ask you nearest server op about it :)

03-29-2004, 09:08 AM
Played great at the Playtests I went to, Gj dude.

quick question, why is Saints name the way it is??? The map is Cr44. I just played the map for the first time, and the only thing different is a retexture job (which is nicely done) and a few more models but I dont get why it deserves a brand new name.

Didnt you win the contest btw?

03-29-2004, 11:14 AM
It cam down to our players actually, they didn't like Craftos version. All of them wanted dod_cr44_b3 back. They also liked the dod_saints version better. He did a great job but our players like the other versions . . .

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