dod_pyrmont: Preview Pictures

01-03-2004, 09:31 AM
Hi Folks,

Im life in Bad Pyrmont, a beautiful Town here in Germany / Niedersachsen ~ Near Hannover ! The Mapper d4s_Sch44f currently works on Bad Pyrmont as dod map Version -> Name: dod_pyrmont ! The Full-Map Thread is available under: (german only) use Google Translator or so .. pls !

Oki, here some Screenshots from the Preview-Verson of dod_pyrmont

ok *hf*

new Updates about the Map, soon !

01-03-2004, 09:59 AM
1. where�s all that rubble coming from? I don�t see any damaged buildings.
2. the textures look very bland atm... the overall atmosphere and lightning is quite dull somehow
3. r-speeds?
4. the third screenshot shows nothing but some boxes with textures on it, a pile of rubble with a model on it and some triangles which turn into a church tower. wow.

conclusion :

there�s still a lot of work to do, and I�d like to see pictures with r-speeds enabled for further comments. thank you ;)

01-03-2004, 10:20 AM
hi rotkopf frag mal den shaaf bei mir im forum der wei� mehr �ber die map als ich habe ja selber nur die bilder da erstma

Ginger Lord
01-03-2004, 10:21 AM blue diffuse!

01-03-2004, 09:00 PM
Changing the lighting will make a big difference.

01-04-2004, 12:40 PM
Alot to work on.
Let me go through each screenshot, if you dont mind :)

- A whole lot of rubble with no place to come from.
- Very wide range of textures used. Try to use same style of textures, preferably even from the same artist. In that shot, you have avalanche textures, flugplatz, hidden and dangerous (?) and glider.
- How did that plane make such a perfect crash landing that it didnt even hurt the plane :P

- Again, weird use of textures. You have urban textures, then suddenly some "industrial" textures from flugplatz etc. Try to stick to a urban theme.
- The texture used on that pile with the american flag on top, is a crater texture. Its supposed to stick into the ground, not up.
- How can plants grow in that rubble :P
- There arent enough players available. Check again in 20 sec.

- Very empty and flat. If you remove the models, it would look extremely boring. Try to add more detail with actual brush work, not just add models to spice things up.
- Again, problem with texture consistency.
- The roof texture on the roof to the left seems to be scaled up to 10 or above. Try to scale it down a bit, it wouldnt hurt.

Hope these comments help.

01-04-2004, 12:58 PM
In the first picture, does the player ever see that big, flat roof? If not, you might want to stick a null texture on it to save w_poly.

01-04-2004, 01:02 PM
Ok what do we have...
I see a bunch of blocks with house textures on them...then, I see some more blocks which are obviously, by the looks of the texture, meant to be rubble piles. Out of one of these rubble piles....grows a plant.. The middle of the road is blocked with something that appears to be another rubble pile... with random chunks of pillars sticking out of it (god knows where they came from) and a plane doing a crazy low level flight right in that direction.

I see a mound....that is pointing upwards (logically since it's a mound) but using a crater texture (which usually should imply that the geometry is facing know, cause it's a crater and all). On top of this crater/mound (select the one of your choice) stands a flag. A fresh and neat touch [/sarcasm] was added to the sidewalks, namely in the form of an insanely underscaled street lamp.
There is a wooden fence sticking out of the cobblestones. Why ? What's the purpose ? Furthermore, Why is there a tank model sitting on a square piece of...I dunno..what the hell is it?

Yeah some of you may go and put this post off as rude and mean cause the guy is obviously new to mapping by the looks of his work but dude let me tell you this right out... You don't get points for visuals by hiding your blocky, boring brushwork with a ton of nice looking models. You also don't get points for visuals by cluttering as many pointless things (in this case a bunch of boxy piles of rubble) into your map as possible.

Learn to make your map look interesting without using models and without taking the word "destruction" to an extreme in the dumbest way possible. Now, the next sentence isn't particularly directed at you but at mappers in general. It pisses me off how mappers get lazier and lazier by the day. Most maps that get posted here on the forums nowadays are great examples of lazyness and sloppyness. I see texture misalignment all over the place, cause the mappers didn't care to fix it. I see blocky buildings with textures just slapped onto them so they look like buildings instead of lego blocks. I see posts suggesting those mappers to "add models to the street cause they look so empty". Hello, can you imagine what mappers did back in the days when there was no such immense pool of mapping resources as there is today ? No ? Well that's sad. But let me tell you anyway. They didn't need models. They could live without them. Simply because they were smart enough to make their maps look cool without models. Most mappers nowadays though seem to be lacking that smartness and it upsets me (as you might have noticed). So here I go with the final word for today. And hopefully it will be taken to heart by at least a few of you. Use models as detail props. Don't use them when your map looks like a piece of cheesecake with a plastic umbrella sticking out on the top. Cause when you do, chances are it'll make your map even look cheaper than it already did. its like chocolate sauce on vanilla ice cream. vanilla icecream is the sheeeet even without chocolate sauce, but with chocolate sauce its even better. :D

I could rant on for ages but I think I pissed you off enough for now and will now give you the chance to eat me alive rather than listening to what i said and start showing some originality again. For the sake of loev. loev i say. :mad:

01-04-2004, 02:04 PM

01-04-2004, 02:28 PM
Lighting need some heavy modifications. Looks like allbright rubble box without shadows and no trace of light. That inverted crater is sexy, but physically impossible. Make it to go underground like in other dod maps too. You shoud check out dod_charlie for nice craters. Also it looks like you have regural building growing from industrial factory. Also make sure that grass doesnt grow from the rubble. Btw. Not enough players available.

Okay this one shows cleary how lighting doesnt fit sky at all, make the lighting much more dramatic so it looks much cooler. It seems that you have some heavy overscaled problems in your map. When comparing that streetlight and building next to it, it looks like that streetlight is way too small for this usage. One thing is annoying. Rubble comes from nowhere and its everywhere. Make some buildings accessible and destroyed so it gives a nice war feeling to the map. And again: green plants doesnt grow up in rubble.
Also make some of the buildings higher than others. Gives a nice architectual view to the map and makes things look much interesting

In this pic you used two kind of textures from different earth location. You have italian church texture with german house walls. Retexture church and make things looks much detailed like balconys and roof hangs etc.

In verdict:
- Make houses more interesting, use more advanced brushwork
- Nerf the lighting, it doesnt fit at all
- Dont use that amount of rubble if its coming from nowhere
- Dont mix different texture sets so player thinks he is in Italy and Germany at the same time
- Open up some houses and build some height differences.

01-04-2004, 03:25 PM
i see potential

01-04-2004, 04:15 PM
if bad pyrmont looked like this: omg #****! :P

and kleineh: very wise spoken! i totally agree with your "essay" ;] i mean if i do a map and build a brush it SHOULD BE the most natural thing in progress to control every side of it if there are any misalignments...if there's something looking odd it would stab into my eyes *+)!$("ARG! and i would correct it :/ especially the very obvious things.

01-05-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by Priest`
i see potential

M2, but lightning looks kinda weird for sure.

01-05-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Instacrome
- How can plants grow in that rubble :P

:rolleyes: ha, amateur. have u never heard of the rubble dwelling forest furn. ;)

but i do agree with you insta. but i think some people are being a bit harsh, it may be his first map. what sky is that?

10-07-2004, 01:01 PM

i've started it new

i don't want to write too much because my english is not the best ;)

pic 1 (
pic 2 (
pic 3 (
pic 4 (
pic 5 (
pic 6 (
pic 7 (
pic 8 (
pic 9 (

killer tomato
10-07-2004, 02:44 PM
Wow, the architecture looks alot better then the pics shown above, but for the love of Pete: change the lightning!!!.

I want to play it :)



10-07-2004, 03:55 PM
Ehh, are u shure you are the same person?
I'm a bit confused here...:confused:
This is wery different from the first, much better,
like u just learned A LOT in a wery SHORT time!

10-07-2004, 04:04 PM
well, looks like you started a new map with the same name, but nonetheless, looks fantastic, keep up the good work.


10-07-2004, 08:58 PM
massive plastic surgery

10-08-2004, 06:41 AM
@spine : Yes " pehka" alias "d4s_Sch44f" is the (german) Mapper ,
and he started a new Version .

go here also (scroll down) :

10-08-2004, 08:22 AM
thanks for the many replies :)

Originally posted by happyernst
"pehka" alias "d4s_Sch44f" is the (german) Mapper ,
and he started a new Version .

i'm from austria ;)

10-08-2004, 08:28 AM
i'm from austria

You too can grow up to be govenor of California.

I like the new pics. Has a Seg3/Campagne feel to it.

10-08-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Khakiass
You too can grow up to be govenor of California.

I like the new pics. Has a Seg3/Campagne feel to it.

maybe I'm the govenor of california ;)

10-08-2004, 03:57 PM
Ok good job pehka (your name sounds finnish to me :) )
but that last link to the german forum wants me to register to see the pics...
Forget that!

Anyways, what about some more info on the map Arnold ehh.. I mean pehka.... ;)

01-09-2005, 05:04 AM

01-09-2005, 08:22 AM
Flashy :) I like it alot, keep up the good work!

In the bottom picture, Id get rid of the model window or scale it down 50%. If you cant do that then find a texture with windows on it, that may look better than 1 giant window on the side of a house.

And wow, are thosed jeds decidious trees with autumn colors?? They look great!! will you post them??

01-09-2005, 11:25 AM
good work @ pheka ...

01-12-2005, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Watchtower
Flashy :) I like it alot, keep up the good work!
thx :)

In the bottom picture, Id get rid of the model window or scale it down 50%.

yeah, it looks better :)

And wow, are thosed jeds decidious trees with autumn colors?? They look great!! will you post them??
i don't know if they're from jed *g*
it's called pi_tree3 or so, i've made a new skin for it. i think it fits better with the map as the normal tree, it's more colorful. (and not so boring :P)

edit: i've tried to add the file to this post, but it did not work :(

i'll try it again tomorrow...:carrot:

01-12-2005, 03:37 PM
definite improvement. keep up the good work.

01-13-2005, 11:00 AM
here it is...

...i hope so

01-14-2005, 05:00 AM
this map is looking awesome, cant wait to play it.

01-19-2005, 11:24 AM
the pics are down because I had problems with my host *g
(free webspace, i had too much traffic...)

There are 2 or 3 bugs left, so i think i'll finish it at the weekend, atm i have no time (so many tests this week... *g*)

Allies Spawn

Axis Spawn

01-19-2005, 11:25 AM
One 2-men-flag. The "pool" :)

The other 2-men-flag.

01-19-2005, 11:25 AM
Other Areas

01-19-2005, 04:16 PM
Looks hot!

Colonel Forbin
01-21-2005, 03:22 PM
can you give us an overview shot?

01-24-2005, 04:42 PM
Nice touch on the spawns, nice colour mixture. red for axis, green for allies hehe

killer tomato
01-24-2005, 04:51 PM


01-25-2005, 12:48 AM

01-25-2005, 03:37 PM (
click the pic :)

killer tomato
01-25-2005, 04:02 PM
Great pehka,

Downloading it now :)

01-25-2005, 04:27 PM
what the hell, i get "work in progress"

01-25-2005, 04:34 PM
Go into your models/mapmodels folder and rename "flo_grass2.mdl" to "flo_grass_v2.mdl"

Pehka...I just checked the .zip that I downloaded from you, and it is mislabeled as "flo_grass2.mdl" You may want to change that in the download you have.

I am uploading an updated .zip of it to comcast which has the correct model name. Im not gonna pass this link around outside of this thread, and if you would like me to remove it, I will. Just want to have a download available with the correct names.

I did a walkthrough of this map, and I like the looks of it. Gonna see if I can get it on one of our servers to check it out. Will post feedback and suggestions once Ive played it on a full server.


killer tomato
01-25-2005, 06:18 PM

First impression was very good. I think you really made a good map here. I especially like the way you made 'the background' of pyrmont. It really gives the player a feeling to be part of your world and in many maps this 'creating the scene' thing is neglected...

Further I think the lightning may be a bit lighter and I encountered the following things that you might want to change. Or not.

thingy 01 (
thingy 02 (
thingy 03 (
thingy 04 (

Thanks ImageShack for hosting.

01-26-2005, 12:20 AM
there is no "airgrass" :P
flo_grass2 is not flo_grass_v2 *g*
i've updated the file

killer tomato
01-26-2005, 01:37 AM
:sheep: :p

01-27-2005, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by killer tomato

First impression was very good. I think you really made a good map here. I especially like the way you made 'the background' of pyrmont. It really gives the player a feeling to be part of your world and in many maps this 'creating the scene' thing is neglected...

Further I think the lightning may be a bit lighter and I encountered the following things that you might want to change. Or not.

thingy 01 (
thingy 02 (
thingy 03 (
thingy 04 (

Thanks ImageShack for hosting.

Were did you get the Overview from?

And is it transparent?

killer tomato
01-27-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by PF-B4DG3R MIRROR (

Yes, the overview is transparant.

01-27-2005, 12:16 PM
I just uploaded the same .zip file that I downloaded, with a renamed model...dunno why it would be transparent.

01-27-2005, 02:03 PM
all overviews are transparent :dog:

killer tomato
01-27-2005, 02:45 PM
Like pehka said ;)

Colonel Forbin
01-31-2005, 11:45 AM
I've got a few suggestions if you're still working on this map:

1. add a flag or two. The maps big enough to support at least 5 flags, and the 4 on there aren't exactly placed in a very balanced manner.

2. let people get inside a few of the buildings. The buildings right now are kind of dry and boxlike serving no purpouse. They're mostly unrealistically proportioned cubes with rushed texture jobs.

3. I think there might be an issue with the skybox, 'cause it seems a bit low and nades will likely get stuck.

4. tree models in battle areas can be bad, because they 'cause massive FPS drops, they usually have shady clip brushes and nades are hindered by the branches.

02-03-2005, 08:48 AM
i'm working on it, but at the moment i have not so much time (school...)

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