Custom map Wad File Error

12-27-2003, 06:54 PM

I have downloaded a few custom maps we wanted to run on our server and seem to have a problem with the maps that come with a wad file. I keep getting an error message when trying to connect to the server saying
" warning couldn't open kirkness.wad"
or whatever wad file comes with the map

I have installed 18 custom maps that work, just the one's with wad files I get this message. I have placed the wad files that come with the download in my dod folder on the server side. Is this where it should be or should it be in another folder ?

Do I need to install on my client side somewhere to make it work ?

One final comment is the maps that come with wad files do run on the server, we just can't connect.

Any help would be appreciated.


12-27-2003, 07:14 PM
ya, the wads should go into \day of defeat\dod\
if that's what you have then i don't know. anyone else ?

12-28-2003, 07:36 AM
it happens to em when i compile maps for dod 1.0 (won) and then move them with correct wads to 1.1..

i fixed it tho by making 1 big wad for myself with the used textures and compile them with the map.. then it works

Crafty Barnardo
01-04-2004, 07:08 AM
Avram, yes, you have to have the wadfile on your client to connect.

If the mapper was any good, they would have written a mapname.res file for the people loading the map(s) on the server.

All you have to do is this, install the map on the server. Verify that if it did have a wadfile, that the wadfile is in the dod directory. Now, make a new textdocument in the dod/maps folder. name is mapname.res, where mapname is the actual name of the map, like dod_caen.res.

NOTE: There is no .txt at the end, the actual file is a res file, but you can edit/make them in notepad, etc.

Now add the following lines to it;

nameofwad (this should be the name of whatever wad came witrh the map)

Save the file and you should be good to go. Also note that you must have allows_downloads set to 1 in your server.cfg file.

You can add other things to the res files as well, like the sky files, sounds, overviews, etc.

Hope this helps,

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