Any way to change 1.1 explosion smoke back to 3.1 sprites?
Because in 1.1 i can hardly be near an explosion without my fps going from 99 to 10.
I don't know exactly why it is happening or if it's only me but smokepuffs/sprites such as explosions from impacts, grenades etc
utterly kill my framerate.
Am I doing something wrong, is it my pc.. what can i do?
(athlon2400+ , ram 512 400mhz cas2 , gf2pro 64mb, detonator 4523, win98se)
12-23-2003, 10:47 PM
dude.... really really easy answer for this one....
cl_particlefx 0
problem solved, all the unwanted crap is now turned off, rain, mussle flashed, sandbug sand puffs, u name it, i doesnt get rid of water, dirt explsions or smoke from rockets though, and not that stupid random smoke puff thats appear out of nowhere, just wen u need your fps the most
maybe i should have made myself more clear,
particles dont give me any problem, rain and such doesnt seem to have much impact, neither does dynamic light. Around all these my fps stays at 90.
but when i i.e. fire thompson full auto then that smoke appears // BAM // i go from 99 to 35.
even worse when a grenade goes off , there's that smoke hanging around for a few seconds. That gets my fps from 99 to 10!
Also the water explosions are horror for my fps.
I'm beginning to think it's my gf2pro + detonator that somehow *does* something wrong around smoke-ish sprites.
I seem to be the only one having this problem around smoke in these forums.
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