[MREQ] High FPS Models (Low Poly)
12-21-2003, 10:45 AM
Might i be so bold as to request some hi fps player models for dod? Kinda like the HI-FPS models for counter-strike. If its already released, please dont eat me, i cant find in under search. :(
I play DOD without drawing the guns, and it was perfect, with the exception of when i want to play around with grenades, as no nade sprite is drawn when you pick up the enemy nade, or when you pull the pin of your own nade. Can i be so bold as to ask for some "ammo" sprites for the nades and knife?
12-21-2003, 12:45 PM
12-21-2003, 09:24 PM
Wonder if the dude would do anymore, or anyone else, for the grenades... :P~~
Still hoping for low poly player models. Turning them to duke nukem sprites would be... overkill. :P
12-21-2003, 11:11 PM
mmm...duke nukem sprites...
12-26-2003, 08:34 AM
I found some really low poly models, but now i cant figure for hell how to install then under steam.
While on the matter of steam, how would i just activate DOD under steam without a connection? Its a little troublesome to connect to the internet just to start a game with bots.
12-26-2003, 08:36 AM
Here is the link for it btw.
EDIT: I am soooo wasted.
12-29-2003, 08:53 PM
Got the low poly models to work under steam, but man, are they ugly. :P
The thing that bothers me a whole lot more than their ugliness is that they dont seem to be facing the right way. Can some kind soul please correct the models?
12-29-2003, 09:59 PM
Those are 1.0 models just gonna have to wait untill someone can make them for 1.1:(
12-30-2003, 06:05 AM
Originally posted by spai_duhz
Got the low poly models to work under steam, but man, are they ugly. :P
The thing that bothers me a whole lot more than their ugliness is that they dont seem to be facing the right way. Can some kind soul please correct the models?
Blimey, what are you System specs?
12-30-2003, 06:13 AM
NO KIDDING lol.. u must have a dell :p
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12-30-2003, 09:37 AM
I have a laptop computer actually. It has a athlon 4 1.2 ghz CPU, 256mb pc 133 sdram, and an intergrated s3 (teh horror!) twister graphics which i set to eat up 32mb of my ram for video.
At default settings, DOD would run about 20frames in a gunfight, if i am lucky, but most of the times, the dynamic lights would kill my framerate. After reducing graphics down to kingdom come with HLVES, my FPS has stabalised to atleast 50fps, but the dynamic lights really hurt.
Now with the models on, I could have more peeps in my screen, so the 50fps i get stays constant alot more, cept ofcourse when the dynamic lights get in the way again. Bleh, I thought that they are no longer gonna hard code r_dynamic for v 1.1... :(
And Dread, I have a COMPAQ. Just as bad, if you ask me. But, their customer service is good, I have to give it to them.
12-30-2003, 11:13 AM
well i have an alienware lol.. nuff said
12-30-2003, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by spai_duhz
I have a laptop computer actually. It has a athlon 4 1.2 ghz CPU, 256mb pc 133 sdram, and an intergrated s3 (teh horror!) twister graphics which i set to eat up 32mb of my ram for video.
At default settings, DOD would run about 20frames in a gunfight, if i am lucky, but most of the times, the dynamic lights would kill my framerate. After reducing graphics down to kingdom come with HLVES, my FPS has stabalised to atleast 50fps, but the dynamic lights really hurt.
Now with the models on, I could have more peeps in my screen, so the 50fps i get stays constant alot more, cept ofcourse when the dynamic lights get in the way again. Bleh, I thought that they are no longer gonna hard code r_dynamic for v 1.1... :(
And Dread, I have a COMPAQ. Just as bad, if you ask me. But, their customer service is good, I have to give it to them.
Just so you know, theres a command to turn off dynamic lights now.
01-02-2004, 07:44 AM
Hmm, Id check it out. It isnt r_dynamic, isnt it?
Anyone, isnt anyone gonna help correct it for v 1.1? :(
Sorry if it seems... err... stolen, but the stuff i got it from was in a zip file, without any form of readme, or whatnot. :(
01-02-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by DreadLord2
well i have an alienware lol.. nuff said
:eek: loan me a couple bucks;)
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