[Mrel]Iono/Svugg's colt 1191 for dod mod reworked by color99
12-06-2003, 02:45 AM
It release for cs with usp texture is good express. So I did conversion for dod mod...It model itself modifing draw at hammer.
outside of that I did variously modify the skin.
Click here to download site (http://www.kddn.com/bbs/view.php?id=pds_wpmodels&page=1&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=off&ss=on&sc=on&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=497)
12-06-2003, 03:04 AM
I understand that you're foreign, but I can't help but jump on you for calling it a 1191. It's the Colt 1911, the 1911 being the year it was first manufactured. Other than that detail I must say it's rather pretty, although it'll take more than just good looks to replace my current TT33.
12-06-2003, 04:31 AM
oh sorry..I`ll change the post
plz get a different host this one wont let me d/l and crashes my inet :mad: :mad:
12-06-2003, 05:58 AM
ingame pic? i hate renders..
12-06-2003, 06:08 AM
Great Great looking :D !
Im using it, thanks a lot ;]
12-06-2003, 07:48 AM
Ummm.... when i click on the dl link, only a blank screen appears.
12-06-2003, 09:27 AM
Good job, using!
Originally posted by Hinkle
Ummm.... when i click on the dl link, only a blank screen appears.
I get the same thing....
12-06-2003, 12:32 PM
TEMPORARY mirror for those having problems (http://robin.shatteredvision.co.uk/colt.zip)
12-06-2003, 04:29 PM
gun at rest (http://zedhq.com/buzzbee/dod_anzio0024.JPG)
gun reloading (http://zedhq.com/buzzbee/dod_anzio0025.JPG)
very nice colt model and skin
12-06-2003, 05:14 PM
not bad
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