Texture Resizing

11-24-2003, 12:44 AM
I tried hunting with the search forum engine but found no luck with answering my question. I see phenomenal textures all over the forum, but I guess I'm alone in this, when I used HLMV to change the texture say for instance Dillinger's hand and sleeve textures...I always get texture wrong size. So I assume I need to change the texture size...anyone recommend any program to do that, or any advice at all would be fantastic.

11-24-2003, 02:10 AM
I personally use paintshop pro for resizing stuff, but programs like photoshop will work just as fine as well.

11-25-2003, 01:17 PM
you dont necessarily have to resize anything all u need to do is decompile the model, save over the old texture and recompile and wallah! there u go:D...hope that helps

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