Compiling error with 1.1 animations and .qc

11-19-2003, 08:55 PM
I am trying to complie a model set with the 1.1 animations and .qc file. Everything goes well and it gets to the last animation (deadtable.smd) fine. Then it tells me:

********** ERROR**********
<a whole bunch of random characters here> not found

anyone have this problem?

Ok i just tried decompiling the original 1.1 model and recompiling it and it gave me the same error so it must be my studiomdl.exe compiler right? Anyone know where I can get the latest one?

11-19-2003, 11:08 PM
they have not released one that will compile them yet, guess we will have to wait a bit longer, as i can't see them releasing it until they have sorted the player model bug.

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