Help with lighting
11-18-2003, 05:59 PM
Ok, I'm trying to achive a stormy day effect with the lighting being semi dark. What entities would i use to make the map dark and what would the properties by set at?
11-18-2003, 07:47 PM
The entity you want is light_environment. If you click where it says brightness, you can change what color it will be. I've found that it doesn't come out as dark as you'd think, but you should experiement with it a bit to see what fits your map. I think it's best to take a small part of your map, and copy-paste it into a small new map. You can test the lighting, and compile quicker. When you find a setting you like, you can recompile the whole map. I hope that didn't sound too confusing
11-18-2003, 08:22 PM
Here's the settings I used for dod_regensturm ( on my light_environment:
pitch yaw roll: 90 0 0
pitch: 0
brigtness: 145 145 145 200
diffuse brightness: 84 82 83 200
Took me a while to find it, I couldnt remember where in the map I had placed it. :)
For the gfx/sky name, I used 'killertomato.' (this is one of the default gfx's that comes with dod.)
Also, try enabling 'bounce' in RAD when you compile your map, this will make the shadows much less defined and give it a look closer to that of an overcast day.
Hope that helps. :)
on a stormy day you want as little difference between the shadow and light. Also you want to keep it kinda darkish. I'd be more inclide to give 128 128 128 and 92 92 92 a try for a firt compile.
As for Pitch Yaw Roll it really depends on your skybox, always line it up.
As for bounce only give it a couple like you would on any map. although high bounce values weaken shadows, light seems to creep far to far into buildings and such.
11-18-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by DSettahr
Took me a while to find it, I couldnt remember where in the map I had placed it. :)
you can get to it easier if you goto the entity report
11-18-2003, 11:51 PM
But then I wouldnt have had a funny story to tell. :p
11-19-2003, 12:08 PM
ah, Thanks guys.
I appriciate the help.
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