DoD map poll results

11-15-2003, 06:00 PM
I figured that I'd post the results to the short map poll I did a while ago so that everyone in the mapping community can benefit from it. BTW, if you didnt get a chance to fill out the survey, you still can:


Summary of the Results:

Anzio, Avalanche, Donner, and Kalt came out on top as the most popular maps. Prefrences over the other maps was pretty evenly split, with the exception of Vicenza, which less that 7% of those taking the poll indicating that it was one of their favorite maps. (Note that this survey was put together a few months ago, so dod_switch is not listed.)

Most people said that there favorite setting for maps was urban or village, but the overwhelming majority said that they were tired of seeing such maps. The most requested settings for new maps was forest/countryside, with military installation coming in second.

Similar results for environment, while most people indicated that they liked day time maps, the majority said that they were tired of them. The environement most people would like to see used more often is night time, with snowstorm and twilight/sunrise tied for second place.

Gameplay, it seems is more important to players than detail for hte most part, although the results were pretty evenly split for realism vs gameplay, indicating that a healthy mix of both is what most people want to see.

Also, most people would like to see more non-linear maps. There was a slight trend towards the preference of objective maps over flag maps, and finally, a slight preference towards larger maps over small ones.

Hope this helps any mappers who are trying to come up with map ideas and would like to make maps that will go over well with the community.

11-15-2003, 07:10 PM
That's really kewl dude, very helpful to everyone out there. :)

11-15-2003, 07:17 PM
all that map info is unimportant...the major question here is whether waldo is sexy! and we're split pretty much 50/50 on that one! :D :D :D

honestly, this is a very good poll and well structured, with some interesting (but predictable) results.

countryside maps all the way man! hope campagne becomes official soon *prays*

11-15-2003, 07:25 PM
This doesn't help that much. A lot of the questions are asked really strangely, and the responses are somewhat stupid. Such as everyone loving day maps, but thinking there are too many of them. And even having your favourite map split into 2 questions screws up that entire question.

11-15-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Darkwing

countryside maps all the way man! hope campagne becomes official soon *prays*

god bless campagne!

11-16-2003, 02:40 AM
cool poll.

an waldo is teh leet sehx!!!1111 :p

11-16-2003, 03:21 AM

Do the players turn off rain and snow effects, and use stopsound aswell?

"a slight preference towards larger maps over small ones" Hmm avalanche is not large :D (it's my favourite :p )

11-16-2003, 05:44 AM
=/ omg waldo lost the sexy stakes!

BL Waldo, dont take it too hard champ it was close

11-16-2003, 06:39 AM
I don't find it that odd that people liked urban and wanted more something else. I mean, people just realize that dod has too many urban maps. Maybe the reason that they like them is that there are only 2 maps that aren't urban, charlie, which honestly is just not a popular map, and forest which is good imo, but people still go for the more classic maps. So its not really surprising people realize they need more countryside maps. And imo campagne should have been put in 1.1, though I realize teh sexy waldo has nothing to do with the fact that it wasn't. :rolleyes:

11-16-2003, 10:41 AM
I'm happy that you all like my map....and sad that some other people don't see it that way too. Ah, but to each his own. We shall see what can be done to...remedy this situation.

11-16-2003, 01:19 PM
I guess campagne was not included in 1.1 because releasing a beta version was the best way to find issues. Nothings is better than playing and spend time on it to see what is good and what could be better. Beta release allows to have hundreds of eyes on the map and get real feedback.
There were some very good custom maps around, which never became official. Need to mention cr44 and stuka. Back to the poll, is stuka urban or countryside? Both.

11-16-2003, 03:02 PM
That's not actually the reason campagne isn't in 1.1. Re-read andy's post.

11-16-2003, 05:09 PM
stuka would come under miltary installation. its an airbase.

and with campagne, just remove the tower objective and teh wires objective (and rework some of the areas), and it would be the perfect map. 2 bridges for the axis, 2 tanks for the allies.

11-16-2003, 11:11 PM
Well, Stuka WAS supposed to be a 1.0 map, but that fell through. As much as I loved the map, it never got played as much as it deserved.

11-17-2003, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by Whoopy42
That's not actually the reason campagne isn't in 1.1. Re-read andy's post. Thanks I know what i got to do. Someone hit Whoopy42 with a baseball bat and get him read what some dev members wrote in the forum about this map, instead of giving me advices. End of my rant.

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