HD Crash. =\ Anyone have a lot of wads in an easy DL form?

11-15-2003, 03:17 PM
Horrible week last week. Lost most of my mapping stuff including all the released wads I'd collected a ton of great maps I was working on and a lot more important stuff. Anyone have them all in some nice easy to DL form? I could set up an ftp spot if it would help. Thanks if you can help me out. =\


PS I do back stuff up. Just not recently it seems. =(

11-15-2003, 04:05 PM
Wow, I know that sucks, it's happened to me twice already. I suggest visiting the standard mess of mapping sites and downloading lots of custom maps. That's how I got mine back, anyway.

11-16-2003, 03:48 AM
WAD downloads [dayofdefeat.de] (http://dod.daddeln.de/download.php?filesubcat=6&sid=)

11-16-2003, 06:47 PM
Thanks! That's probably most of what I had before. Now if only I could get that dead drive to spin up... *sigh*


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