Mapping Related Bugs/Issues/Suggestions

11-10-2003, 02:11 AM
This is not a help post. This is not a request new entity/mapping feature post (though you can do it slightly as long as you don't go overboard, see below). This is a bug-report/issues-report post to report bugs/issues related to mapping, mapping entities, etc. If you have an issue-report that is more veered towards making a suggestion, please use "SUGGESTIONS:" as the header. If you have an issue-report that is more veered towards reporting an actual bug, please use "BUGS:" as the header. Suggestions made must be due to an issue of a particular map entity or something. Take note, bugs is more important. Make sure all entries posted has a real problem to begin with, whether it has something to do with an entity and such. Here is my example:



-MoveWith property for all entities in DoD doesn't work in v1.0. It's all faulty! All attached objects to a func_train would teleport from path_corner to path_corner rather than travel smoothly from path_corner to path_corner. This has NOTHING to do with lag, it is a real bug. Even more strange, the func_train brush travels smoothly in the opposite direction. Check the error echoed by turning on "developer 1". Fix this bug or else this feature cannot be made use of for mapping!

-Bullet richochets do NOT appear for invisible func_walls (render amt 0, render mode additive/texture) even with the correct materials.txt texture for a crucial no. of materials. Only several materials work, such as metal, sand and brick which generate the respective richochets accordingly. However, crucial materials like snow and wood lack richochets, thus models using these materials won't generate any richochets when you shoot on them.

-the experimental monster entities for DoD do not run as smoothly in v1.0 as compared to beta 2.0. info_allied_barneys following players is usually jerky in v1.0.

-dod_camera may not be working properly now in v1.0 as compared to beta 3.1. (i might be wrong regarding this)...but i think it has some problems.


-material MAT_SNOW is missing from hlbasics.wad. I think it would be good if you officially added it. (don't forget you need to fix the bugs shown above else using mat_snow would be rather pointless anyway.)

-env_model's .mdl don't appear ingame if blocked by vis or covered by world brushes. Sometimes, you might want certain env_models to appear regardless of vis (ie. appear all the time), such as church steeples that can be seen throughout the entire map, thus you can use these .mdls to act as landmarks to help players orientate themselves. Another way is to have another entity monster_models that uses their bounding boxes to determine visibility of the .mdl, thus the modeler can determine the visibilty of that model. Another way is to have a flag called "Display always" that pre-loads that model and spawns it ingame regardless. RIght now though, i would create various submodel instances in differnet areas of the map, so everyone can see the church steeple in any location (i have to consider all possible locations). SUch .mdls can go extremely high up (or sideways) beyond the WC grid. Thus, you can have mammoth buildings or towering Combine buildings similar to HL2!

-Changes do not take effect immediatley for the info_doddetect (upon swapping info_doddetects with a Master). You'll have to restart the round for the new info_doddetect to take effect. If i'm not wrong, the info_doddetect is called everytime a round starts. Is it possible to give info_doddetect a targetname so that we can manually trigger it anytime during the game?

11-10-2003, 12:17 PM
very good idea here Glidas

note on your suggestion. I re included monster_furniture in my .fgd for such reasons. For those who don't know monster _furniture is exactly the same as env_model except for a few key features.
1- You can control it with scripted entitys, this means the model can do more than the standard on/off animations.
2- Being monster_furniture it is of the monster class therefore it will use its bounding boxes to determine visiblity, and being the furniture it will be unclipped but it won't bleed when shot.

-When someone places as scoped wepaon entity in their map it simply turns into the non scoped, all except the KAR98

-Add a flag to weapons so they toggle how they act:
State 1: They only respawn when the original has been dropped, the time factor is how long till it does respawn.
State 2: They respawn after a set ammount of time no matter what.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.