Tutorial/Utility - Steam aware installer.

Trp. Jed
11-05-2003, 01:17 AM
Hej all,

Some of you might remember this thread (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18806) from a while ago when I came up with a stand alone installer we could use for models, sounds, maps, etc. for DoD and other HL based mods.

The reasoning was that in some cases, especially new users, were having problems extracting zips into the right place and because of Steam people didnt know what names folders to create, etc.

Anyway, after some digging I found NSIS a free, opensource Windows installer program that does just the job and I coded to be "Steam aware". What I mean by that is that it knows where exactly to put files on the users system, even down to the folder based on your e-mail address.

Well as you know I've been really sick for months and hardly able to work but after putting in 30 minutes a day over heck knows how long I finally finished the tutorial.

Its not a short one, its spans 5 pages but its only the first two pages you'll need to actually make a working installer - the rest detail how you can add customisations and options to your installer to suit your needs. Also the tutorial is kind of long as I've done my best to make it as clear and simple for non-programmers how to use it. Im confident that for most people you should be able to create a working installer in under 15 minutes onces you've read the tutorial.

Anyway, just to re-cap on what the "pro's" are of this installer:

* Self contained EXE, no need for external compression software.
* Has standard Windows installer look/feel which everyone is familiar with.
* Is free/opensource - you dont have to pay anything to use it, no licenses and you can brand it yourself.
* The final installer EXE is only marginally larger than what a ZIP file would be (3k - 10k).
* Is "Steam aware" - automatically prompts the user for the correct install path including the folder based on e-mail address.
* Works for any custom content - maps, models, sounds, etc.
* Works with any Half-Life mod.
* Has tons of options such as showing a user license, readme.
* Can be set-up for optional components - you can divide your files into sections and let the user decide what parts they want to install or not.

Anyway, enough of the sales pitch, heres the URL.


I apologise in advance for any gramatical and spelling mistakes. I've only just finished it and I wanted to get it out so people could at least give me feedback if they've had any problems using or understanding the tutorial. Typo's I'll correct in the next day or two when I've had time to sit down and re-read everything through again.

- Jed

Sly Assassin
11-05-2003, 02:33 AM
very nice work jed yet again :) this wil come in very handy thanks alot :)

11-05-2003, 05:52 AM
Thanks for that Jed ... very good work.

I did take a look at this and come up with way of doing it using this Program. As always with this sort of thing I did it in a completely different way ... ah well.

I did miss the bit about being able to adjust the hight of the Title font using: !define MUI_FONTSIZE_TITLE. That will be useful.

I have a few Beta Custom Map Downloads HERE (http://www.glumchops.co.uk) using this program.

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