texture assignment

10-13-2003, 06:50 PM
well i have a basic question:

i modeled a cube and i want for each site a number 1 - 6 ...
so how has the texture to look like??
i compared player/weapon models with their textures, but i dont see the connection beetween them...

i use MS3d ps7

sry for my crappy english XD

10-13-2003, 07:58 PM
Hmmm, Its hard to understand exactly what you want. But I'll guess!

make a texture in photoshop, whatever you want. Save it as a .bmp, index color

then go into ms3d, find the part you want with that texture, and choose 'assign texture' find your texture and its there.

However, I'm not sure about all the technicalities like making it fit and all that. I know basic hacking and some skinning but nothing major. I hope I sort of helped, if thats what you're looking for. If not I'm sure someone with more experience will see this and help.

Good luck!

10-14-2003, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by Skullz_Vandal
make a texture in photoshop, whatever you want. not whatever -> a number for each site (like a dice)

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