3.1's Models with muzzle flashes + sprites?

10-13-2003, 05:15 PM
back in 3.1's day, i remember people released gun models which had muzzle flashes built into them. So that whenever you saw another player shot, you saw a muzzle flash at the tip of the gun. Do these files still work with 1.0??

The reason i ask is because in 1.0, i can only see muzzle flashes with particlefx turned to 1 or higher. Since particlefx causes frame rate loss, I turn it off. I also preferred the muzzle flashes from those models much more than i do 1.0's.

So can anyone tell me if these files still work with 1.0, can i just copy/paste them into 1.0's folder? Also, can they be downloaded anywhere still?

Also, at particlefx 0... i have no grenade sprite explosion, and bullet hits against the wall are almost invisible to see. Are there any replacement sprites for these? I found grenade explosion sprites (although it doesn't seem to work in particlefx 0), and the bullet hit sprites that i downloaded dont' seem to work either. What am i doing wrong?

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