so i might have missed this since i was gone for a while, but i searched and came up with nothing... has there been a release of the 3rd infantry division models we all knew and loved from the beta days yet? those were awesome, and i really want some 1.0 compatible ones... anyone?
Dr. Crawford
10-07-2003, 02:58 PM
Silly Mortal.
but thats just the default models with a little skin editing, i tried that already and was like "what the hell is this crap" i mean the 3rd id models made by the 3rd id clan or something, from scratch, hi res/hi poly... you know... anybody?
Dr. Crawford
10-07-2003, 06:29 PM
That is by the 3rd ID clan..
no but the... the ones from 3.0... they were all customized and stuff and had pistols and junk. damnation!
Captain Higgins
10-08-2003, 01:35 AM
Thanks for your interest. Those reskins I made during my beta testing days of 4.0 are the only 3rd ID skins released. They're what I currently use.
Unfortunately, our DoD1.0 models fell onto hard times after our head modeler became buried under school work and his job - so they've basically been on hold in a half-finished state since then.
I have the "raw files" and asked a few player modelers for help, but never recieved many hopeful responses on helping finish create them under my direction. I don't model, personally, or I'd finish the job myself.
I hate to tease, but I'll post a screenshot of the half-finished model. These are based on the late war 3rd ID uniform, complete with M43 jackets, and double buckle boots. Modeled by -=Nomad=-. This is in an early beta stage before some changes were made...
If anyone with some advanced modeling skill wants to help me put these together with new heads that have moving mouths, I'd love to get these out.
Thanks everyone. Rock of the Marne!
10-08-2003, 04:03 AM
it looks like your going to need a new skeleton too, (the way the arms are positioned)
some of that stuff looks like mohaa quality GJ who ever made it.
but the pants look very square, like if they were beta3 pants :P
i wish i can help with this but i cant really make anything like a face from scratch. but i can definatly hack away at that model and other models :p and maybe come up with something
10-08-2003, 02:11 PM
It's good to know that those models are still being made :)
ohhh so beautiful... i wish i could model, i'd help you... SOMEONE HELP HIM
10-09-2003, 07:08 PM
oh sweet jesus, give me those skins so i can print them out, cut them out, and wear them!!!!!!!!
Captain Higgins
10-09-2003, 08:28 PM
Most of the skin you see there is edited Medal of Honor skins, mixed with some default DoD skins. The pants are the default 1.0 pants, the pack is MoH:AA. I believe you're seeing them as square because they're standing straight up instead of bent at the knees. The boots are Trigger's boots with my edited skin on them...
That's about all we finished on the skins, as well as an M41 jacket version.
10-10-2003, 06:54 AM
so all you need to finish these are heads ?
if so why not just use some reskinned mohaa heads ;)
Captain Higgins
10-10-2003, 12:59 PM
Basically, we need to add on the old 3.1 subgear for each class, and we were looking to model new gear as well. This includes those rank patches someone released with their 3rd Armored soldiers.
Heads would be something we'd be willing to comprimise on as there are a couple released aready that look fine enough.
10-10-2003, 02:11 PM
Was it Jed that was doing those animated faces? I think you should use those. He also had some very nice player hands that you could slap on there. You could also borrow some face textures from Russ to top it off. Of course, all of that is pending the individual creators permition.
The rank patches were mine, and are available in the bits and pieces thread.
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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by
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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.