Release: dod_auw_b2

10-03-2003, 07:28 PM
Heyo, auw_b2 is now done and available for release.


For the overview check this link:

If you missed the pics:


- Fixed river texture
- Added spawn protection for both axis and allies
- Minor tweaks to landscape, attempts to round out some of the brushwork without ruining r_speeds
- Added location entities so you can now determine where your buddies are easier
- Fixed a few misaligned textures
- All houses now can be entered via the windows after they are shot out
- Couple other minor tweaks

Let me know what you think (err, besides that it is dark, thanks! =)


10-03-2003, 07:45 PM
overview is classy :)

10-04-2003, 12:28 AM
Map how ever is horrible looking :(

Dont like how the landscape nor the placment of any of the buildings are.


5 for th effort.

10-04-2003, 01:10 AM
Crashes on startup for me (crashes Half Life, dumps me back to desktop). However, your install-file has alot of files which arent needed (models and sounds which came with DoD). Look through them and remove the ones not needed to conserve space.

10-04-2003, 02:39 AM
Instacrome: There are indeed some files that aren't needed as I started building this map under 3.1 when all the files were all over the place. Being a bit lazy I never did fix that. As far as it crashing...dunno why that would occur. The 25 or so people who have tested it with me didn't have that problem so I don't have a clue what might be going on.

Roktiken: Sorry you didn't like it. I haven't heard any feedback like that before. I don't really understand what part of the building placement you didn't like. There are only 3 houses in the map and, well, I'm not sure where else you would think they'd fit better. On the landscape...I could a little more informational feedback. Yes, in places it is blocky, but this is HL we are talking about, and the map does have very wide open areas.

Darkwing: Thanks, it was a pain to build the overview due to the major height differences in the map and my limited skills in paintshop. =) I'm glad you liked it.


10-04-2003, 04:15 AM
From the pics it looks nice :), but the overview is too complicated, keep it simple.

German Killa
10-10-2003, 05:25 PM
i add a mirror at

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