*1.1 dod_escape actionshot*
some of you already seen an older version of the map on steam
heres a shot of the nebelwerfers inaction with 1.1
its basically a whole new entity that fires bazooka rounds
with all effects included from a env_rocketshooter
alitle snippet from whats to come with 1.1 ;D
i copyed the thread here aswell, because of the entity aspect of
this litle thingy
09-25-2003, 12:12 PM
So, will you like die if you get hit by one of the rockets?
09-25-2003, 12:16 PM
Very cool!
(wait didn't i say this already?)
well what can i say...
.. almost incredible! and btw, will the escape wad be included in the map or is it free for use?
09-25-2003, 01:50 PM
nice, made by our friend Flomatic??
yes nebelwerfer was made by flomatic! but i think this is a edited version, not the "old" one .. ;)
its not the old one but yes its made by flo along with a bunch of
other new models that he made for the map,
the wad is free for use just like the other offical map wadpacks
09-25-2003, 03:09 PM
i can't wait till someone makes a human tower in front of this baby.
09-25-2003, 03:27 PM
thx:D when 1.1 comes out i release a high res version of the nebelwerfer
09-25-2003, 07:17 PM
release 1.1 allready this is too sexy to not play...
09-26-2003, 12:13 AM
Looks great but doesnt a Nebelwerfer throw alot of smoke and fire out the back as well?
09-26-2003, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by IR -inw-
its basically a whole new entity that fires bazooka rounds
with all effects included from a env_rocketshooter
looks very cool !
I canīt wait to check it out :D
09-26-2003, 01:54 AM
We may eventually get it's WAD if someone find a way to rip it out of GCF file :-\
they will release the levels through steam first.
meaning the wad's will be in
if not i will release the wad when the map has been released
09-26-2003, 04:47 AM
Did you get my idea of using the current DoD bazooka code as a mortar/trajectory weapon?? At that time, i had kinda much an idea of a Nerbewefer in mind (especially due to the tons of smoke). You were really convinced into doing it?? Yea, i guess it was easy, considering you already had a trajectory code for the bazooka, and therefore coding a projectile weapon such as a mortar/nerbwefer with the apprioate trajectory should be pretty much a case of adjusting values for the already-existing bazooka code in DoD. I was inspired of this idea during playing around with bazookas in a large high sky ceiling map. I realised that hurling a DoD bazooka projectile across great distances gave the feeling of an actual mortar bombing a faroff position, due to the bazooka's trajectory that basically caused the rocket to fly over hills and slopes, it was possible to bomb targets without seeing them. Thus, i decided it would be cool if the DoD dev team could use that *already-existing piece of code* to create something like a mortar or some other projectile weapon.
Here's the link to that idea i posted long ago when v1.0 came out. More whooshes! Can't wait to implement actual artillery projectiles in 1.1!!
A question and a possible idea:
Did you utilise trigger_teleport (inaccessible to player by CLIP brushes) to teleport that Nerbwefer projectile from one end of the map to another end of the map?? And trigger_gravity is another good thing to try out. For example, if u want to exxagerate the greater pull of gravity on the Nerbewefer's projectile as the Nerbewerfer's projectile loses velocity over the target area, then you could strategically place a trigger_gravity over a certain area, causing the projectile to sink deeper the moment it passes thru the trigger_gravity brush.
09-26-2003, 10:07 AM
Waldo said they are working on a way for people to be able to use files that are in the cache. He siad one idea was to have the new Hammer be able to browse and read the GCF file, kinda like the pak explorer.
10-03-2003, 05:21 PM
Will I HAVE to use Steam to play this map? Or will there be a download for it for people who don't trust that **** yet?
10-03-2003, 06:47 PM
Yeah I've been to busy in life and a bit cautious on downloading steam. Since I don't possess a whole lot of computer knowledge I'd just assume to wait till steam runs smoothly(dod 1.1), instead of tearing my computer apart trying to troubleshoot. Maybe this weekend I'll get around to downloading steam just for the sheer fact of playing these 2 new official maps. From all the comments I've heard it's just been praise for escape:)
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