I need model fixes..

09-12-2003, 04:07 AM
As the title states, I have some models that need fixing. Look at the screenshots located here, (www.geocities.com/thesoulgiver/fixes) and see if you're up for the job, if so then PM me your contact information (AIM/ICQ/MSN/E-Mail) along with the task(s) you are able to do. All help highly apreciated, thank you.

09-12-2003, 04:19 AM
Texture creep is the name generally given for those black lines you see on some models, and can be fixed in milkshape, you can do a search on these forums and probably find a detailed answer. The colt thing is easy though:

First, delete that cuff that's in the refrence smd, as you won't need it. Then, decompile a model with the sleve models you need, note the names of the sleves smd's. Now, delete all the geometry from the colts refrence smd i.e. everything except for the skeleton. Import the american sleve model, making sure to uncheck the skeleton box so it only imports the skeleton, this will cause the sleve to bind itself to the colt skeleton. Export this with the same name of the original american sleve smd. Now all you have to do is replace the american sleve texture with the german one, and export it again, only this time name it after the original German sleve smd, repeat for the British sleve. Properly refrence the sleve smd's in the colt qc file. If every thing goes well, you can now compile the colt model and have the sleves work as any other model, changing depending on the class that's using it. Sorry if I missed any steps or if I'm babbling incoherently, it's 3:15am here and I'm a bit groggy.

09-12-2003, 11:28 AM
I put sleeves on that model by request sometime ago, you can find it here.


And here is a brief guide to realigining textures.


09-13-2003, 03:53 PM
Hey thanks for both of your responces. Trigger, thanks allot! I got the gun with long arms thanks to you! Look out for my re-release of some of these fine models. Both of you really helped a great deal. Marzy please check your PM I can't seem to see which vertex to move.

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