map oriented guns
are there any maps with stationary guns built into them? im trying to find a way to add a stationary machine gun to a map.. all i need is a map name...
id appreciate it...
08-13-2003, 06:47 PM
Do you mean a spawn protect gun or a stat one that players can use?
If you mean one that you can use, "dod_fortzwei4" has them.
Good luck!
diddnt work.. :o( well it does and it dosent... i fires, but you cant control it at all... when you use it the gun aims left, and shoots right..
this is the config i pulled from that map..
"origin" "-199 -762 -188"
"target" "mortar"
"classname" "func_tankcontrols"
"model" "models/w_30cal.mdl"
"origin" "-199 -762 -188"
"bullet" "3"
"angle" "0"
"maxRange" "4000"
"minRange" "500"
"persistence" "1"
"bullet_damage" "50"
"firerate" "15"
"spritescale" "2"
"spriteflash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"
"barrel" "182"
"pitchtolerance" "5"
"pitchrange" "15"
"pitchrate" "15"
"yawtolerance" "15"
"yawrange" "25"
"yawrate" "30"
"target" "mortarsound"
"targetname" "mortar"
"rendercolor" "0 0 0"
"spawnflags" "32"
"classname" "func_tank"
"origin" "-199 -762 -188"
"message" "misc/newgun.wav"
"targetname" "mortarsound"
"pitchstart" "100"
"pitch" "100"
"health" "10"
"spawnflags" "56"
"classname" "ambient_generic"
okay, u have the easiest solution for this, in hammer. all guns must face the EAST, or in other words, your right side, you can turn the gun in the entity properties to make them face where you want in game, but in hammer, all guns must face east.
08-14-2003, 02:11 AM
instead of decompiling other maps, u could go to the valve collective site where they have good tutorials and example maps on these guns. <--another tut and example maps.
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