Triggers help

Capt Winter
08-11-2003, 11:02 AM
Im sure im going come up with more trigger questions so ill use this thread again in the future as for now i have a few questions for you now hope someone can help me.

1. I want to block off an area how do i go about making an invisible wall or...

2. I know how to put trigger hurt, but i want a warning messeage to come up to telling the person to back away can someone tell me how to set up trigger hurt targeting a messeage. I want it to only appear to the person affecting the trigger hurt.

Thx for help in advance.

08-12-2003, 04:10 AM
1. Make a brush and have every side with the CLIP texture.

CLIP make it blockable, but bullets can pass though it.

2. set the trigger hurt to trigger a env_message, or there should be a bit in the hurt to have a msg anyway.

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