Map Models and Sky Textures

Loser Pants
08-06-2003, 04:19 PM
Since someone decided that three letter words are too short to search the forums, I have to make a post.

1). How do you make a map model?

2). How do you make a sky texture?

3). Where is the model zoo download?

Thanks for your help.

08-06-2003, 04:33 PM
1) same way you make any model, best tuts can be found in the MSA forum

2) same way you make any texture, the problem though is making them look 3D. best thing to do is make it 3D and then screen shot up down left right back etc.


Loser Pants
08-06-2003, 04:38 PM
1). I've tried to look in the MSA section, but I can't search for "map models".

2). I know it's just a texture, but I remember a simple but ok program that you could quickly make 3d landscapes. It was in the old 3.1 art forums.

3). Thats what I was looking for thank you.

P.S. Thanks for your speedy help.

08-06-2003, 04:53 PM
1b) a map model is no different to a gun model, just read the modeling tutorials and they apply for both. map models are insanely less complicated with nearly no animtons, and the ability to do what you want not restricted by the gun code. but you can just skip some bits of the tut that are advanced animation etc.

2b) i don't know of any progs eitheir :( wish i knew some.

Trp. Jed
08-06-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Loser Pants
1). How do you make a map model?

2). How do you make a sky texture?

Try Terragen (, this tutorial ( or maybe this one ( I couldn't find a half-life specific one but the principals are the same.

- Jed

Loser Pants
08-06-2003, 11:50 PM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed

Try Terragen (, this tutorial ( or maybe this one ( I couldn't find a half-life specific one but the principals are the same.

- Jed

Thanks, that was exatcly the program I was looking for. Lets make love. Err.. just thanks, yeah.... I gotta go... What in the world could that be!?!

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