Need some help???

08-06-2003, 10:11 AM
Ok, an hour ago, I've returned home form my vacation in Normandy. Thats right, Normandy.

I've visitted all the beaches (from the campingplace, Juno beach was less then 1 min. walking :)), Caen, Baeux, Saint Mere Eglise (for the 2nd time) and the pegasus bridge.

So, if anyone is making a map of pointe du hoc, pegasus bridge, a beach or whatever what lies in normandy, and you need some help or info:
MAIL ME!!! (

I took a lot of photos and bought a book with a lot of interesting stuff, so I guess I can always help ya.

(srry for my bad english)



08-06-2003, 10:14 AM
hope you enjoyed it and why not try making a map yourself
its not that hard plus theres loads of friendly peeps
on this forum ;) :p

08-06-2003, 10:17 AM
ey my map is gonna be Juno beac, based on the la cassine fortificasion (in Bernieres, the place where I was)

08-06-2003, 10:23 AM
yeah, i just got back a while ago too. i went to omaha. and some of the towns to the south west. ill help ne 1 who wants help too, but i probally dont know as much as joene.

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