Ruskie PPSh-41 - Help a newbie out

08-04-2003, 04:49 PM
Hey Guys, I was wondering if you could spare a few minutes to help a newbie out.

I recently started using milkshape… and decided to create a Russian

PPSh-41 submachine gun. I think it ended up turning out pretty good, for my first model.

Some Pics:
Pic 1 (

Pic 2 (http://

Pic 3 (

-Now I have a few questions…. How do I export a jpg like mesh out of milkshape so I can use photoshop to ‘colour it in’?

-Secondly is there anyone who is interested in animating it? I am too much of a Newbie to grasp animating it. (once its done meshing, I’ll create a request form…)

-Lastly once it is finished meshing… how do I host the download on a form? (or who will do it?)

Thanks for the time…

and because I am new to this i probably wont be able to animate it... is there anyone interested in doing that?

08-04-2003, 04:51 PM
Well, for a first time model that is pretty good. Once its all said and done then DoD Supply ( would be glad to host it for ya! :D

Also, its gonna be tough to find a mesher, animator. Not many around here. :(

Ska Wars
08-04-2003, 04:55 PM
That is bloody great, you should be very proud of yourself.

Getting a mesher may be a problem but i can safely say there will be no shortage of people wanting to skin this.

As for animating it you could quite easily use the animations from another gun as there has been other models released with a very similar shape and a round ammo mag.

I you want i could have ago at assigning some hands and animations to it.

Anyway, great model mate. That is very very good for a first model.


08-04-2003, 05:06 PM
-ok, i have a new question...

-Whats the difference between meshing and skinning....
the only thing i know id that i have to mesh first... is there any websites to tell you how to mesh?

-Ska... if you could set me up with =some hands that would be golden :cool:

Ska Wars
08-04-2003, 05:13 PM
Meshing is actually designing how the skin wraps around the model, like wall paper kind of.

Skinning is colouring the mesh so it looks like the object and not just a wire frame.

Anyway, only negative comment about the model is you could cut out some polys by skinning certain parts rather than making them. e.g. the hole in the sights doesn't really have to be modelled as it can be skinned to see transparent effects. Also the front of the mag doesn't have to be detailed at all as you probally will never see it.

Other than that fantastic model mate, nice one.


08-04-2003, 06:53 PM
jesus christ on a crutch thats dead secksey! i dont know who could mesh it (most skinners mesh themselves.. but some dont) but for skinning the more or less king of the biz is polygon. but some other excellent choices (and some that might say yes) would be dillinger, ripa, blackheart or mike.

i would animate it for you (i was just thinking of doing one) but im up to my ears in other animation stuff. well sort of.. 2 mg animations are a lot more work than i expected. as well as doing my own pack of 'Klowns pack of most of the guns reanimated by himself!' but thats hush hush at the moment.

08-04-2003, 07:33 PM
Klown Kan you animate my Kabar?

08-04-2003, 08:42 PM
Not a bad first time model, quite good actually. I think you might have exaggerated it a bit, but that might actually work for you once it's ingame. Meshing is really better done in Lith UnWrap or by someone with Max or Maya, Milkshape doesn't really have a proper meshing system. Skinning will be tricky, since I've been trying to get my own PPSh model skinned on these boards for about a month now and I've not seen any WiP pics. As for animating, I have some animations for mine that I did that would likely fit your model as well, and you're welcome to them. Just PM me and we'll chat.

BTW, Klown, I'm guessing those two MG's are ones that were made by a certain cheese flavored snack, eh? ;) Sorry to drop those on ya, but thanks for the help, it'll really speed things up and cut down on my ulcers.

EDIT: I almost forgot, you've got a lot of polys on there that can be deleted, like stuff on the front or the right side, things that most likely will never be seen (though if you use my anims, you might want to leave the faces on the right side). I personally don't like transparency since it seems to pixelate the skin that it's on, just look at the Sten's body to see what I'm talking about.

08-04-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Vctrmaster
Klown Kan you animate my Kabar?

if you can wait 1 week or possibly more, yes. that goes for The Dude as well. if you can wait a week or more id be happy to animate your lovely gun.

Cheeto: complications with the animations have arrisen and the animations will take at least a week to finish. now i know your thinking "but its only the reload" but that (as you might expect) is the hardest part. anyway ill explain in detail in a soon coming pm.

sorry for the thread hijack. carry on :(

08-05-2003, 09:05 AM
Klown - i can wait a bit.... it will probably take me about a week to polish it up.... PM me when you got time.... It would be apperciated, becasue I have no freaking clue how to do it.

-Cheeto i don't know what you ment about exaggerating.... if it was about proportions it was all modeled ove a picture of the actual gun.

08-05-2003, 06:21 PM
ok heres my advice, make the barrel of the gun 1 high res skin so you can use transparency without getting the stupid pixalixation effect. another tinhg whats the poly count on that beast?

Its a really good job and should look nice in game, but i think you may need to reduce the polys badly.

08-06-2003, 12:02 PM
So... there is 1008 poly's... I am guessing thats a little high... how many should I work it down to?

08-06-2003, 12:47 PM
1008 polies is not hight at all, don't touch the model.

08-06-2003, 01:06 PM
That's only 1008 poly's? Wow... DO NOT TOUCH THAT MODEL! :D

08-06-2003, 01:50 PM
OOOPS! made a little mistake.... ya.... so there is actually 12000....
A few more than I said before....

08-06-2003, 04:56 PM
12K polys is a little OTT get it down BADLY to about 1/5 then you will have a high poly gun.

08-06-2003, 05:20 PM
Ha, yeah 11k polys is quite a big mistake. ;) You really don't want the gun to be more than 2500 if you can help it. I think the HL limit before you have to start compiling with submodels is 4k.

08-06-2003, 06:01 PM
lol, I like High-poly models. My comp can take it. :/

08-07-2003, 08:31 AM
Well, I took a couple of hours last night and cut the polys back to about 2600.... with out the drum... I figure I could get it to about 2500 tonight, with the drum.

08-07-2003, 10:52 AM
you could also do it with the stick mag since it was used in great numbers also.

08-07-2003, 12:27 PM
You got it from 12k down to only 2k? ****, how'd you swing that? BTW, did you want to use my anims for it?

Oh and Blackheart, sign on to ICQ for a minute or two, would ya? I prolly won't be on, but I sent you a delayed message.

08-08-2003, 01:00 AM
OMG i so want this!!!! How is it coming along? Looking great so far!

08-08-2003, 11:05 AM
This is looking great....newb, ha...Not from what I can tell...

08-08-2003, 01:59 PM
Good News! it got it all down to 2550 Poly's!!!!

I think I am going to start a Russian Degtyarev DP Light Machinegun.... until Klown is ready to animate.... i still have 20 days left on my Milkshape trial :D

Canuck... that is the greatest compliment a newbie could get.

08-13-2003, 12:52 PM
I have 1 russian ppsh 41 that i found somewhere if you want reference the model has a problem in the animation its incomplete doesnt actualy slam the new drum in heh I dont know whos models they are :) I should still have the full russian pack i found

08-13-2003, 12:54 PM
nice model of the LMG is on dod editing center good reference

08-16-2003, 08:19 PM
make a mod for the british, repalce al lthe weapons and with time maybe the palyers models etc.

Webley = Nagent or Makarev
L.E. no4 = Molsin Nagent
L.E. no4 (s) = Molsin Nagent (s)
Sten = PPSH
Bren = that..uhh russian mg with the drum on top(sorry RU fans)
Piat = could be a AT rifle or a panzerfaust, the russians didn't like the US bazooka so they took german weapons
Mills bomb = F1 frag or dare i say it molotov cocktail..but go with the f1 (less work :p )

08-16-2003, 08:34 PM
That's not only one of the best PPSh models I've seen, it's one of the best models I've seen in this community, very nice detail on the

@oss, the Russians used the RPG, I don't know what the full name of it was, even still I wouldn't be able to spell it, but it translates into anti-tank grenade. Also, Molotovs are a little bit magoo on the engine, go with F1. Overall, I'd say Russian weapons are good for starting off, or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

08-16-2003, 08:57 PM
You MUST post that on here when finished. HURRY! o yah make the DP too!

08-16-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by 2ltben
That's not only one of the best PPSh models I've seen, it's one of the best models I've seen in this community, very nice detail on the

@oss, the Russians used the RPG, I don't know what the full name of it was, even still I wouldn't be able to spell it, but it translates into anti-tank grenade. Also, Molotovs are a little bit magoo on the engine, go with F1. Overall, I'd say Russian weapons are good for starting off, or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade, and I don't think they were invented until after WW2. Maybe we could make a model of a dog with a mine on his back for the Piat, LOL!

08-16-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Mike[1stid]
RPG = Rocket Propelled Grenade, and I don't think they were invented until after WW2. Maybe we could make a model of a dog with a mine on his back for the Piat, LOL!
No, RPG was an American term, and the RPG-1 was in use during WW2. I'd post more information but the Gary J. Kennedy site's down.

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