WIP - Marksmans thompson Skin version 2
08-01-2003, 10:45 PM
Ive re-done Marksmans thompson which i think is a massive upgrade from my earlier skin. anyway before we go an further...This skin was once again made from scratch by me utilising th lil round thing on the stock and the thompson submachine writing from nomads thompson, and with a lil help from a metal tutorial i read up on.
Anyway heres a look.
BTW Blackheart u have nothing to do with this skin so dont come in here trying to tell me you do.
08-01-2003, 11:09 PM
U better be careful this time brutal someone might come in here sayign that its there work jsut because there jeolous.
Lt. Firmalo
08-02-2003, 12:00 AM
Thats a pretty good skin you got there. Nice job :)
You're lighting still neds work, what's with the random dot of light on the firing selectors? The random usage of the burn tool on the metal piece that goes over the trigger guard and onto the pistol grip looks weird, like someone put a lighter under it and burned it. The wood on the stock is wrong, the picture you used is probably of unfinished wood. Also, if you've used the text from someone else's skin its not made from scratch. You're skin also lacks some contrast, it seems too bland.
Oh, by the way, way to sneak in that little bit about you taking pieces from Blackheart's skin. And Reaver, I like the way you stick up for your friends, but you don't have to say we're jealous. I can honestly say not a one of us is jealous of any of your skins, Brutal, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.
I like this skin alot. Also, please dont bring this crap into this thread. Mike, just let it go! And if you don't like his work and if you have no resepect for him then whats the purpose of posting in this thread? Damn people and there grudges.
Originally posted by phokus
I like this skin alot. Also, please dont bring this crap into this thread. Mike, just let it go! And if you don't like his work and if you have no resepect for him then whats the purpose of posting in this thread? Damn people and there grudges.
I gave constructive criticism in the first half, and in the second i responded to what Brutal and Reaver wrote. They brought that into this. Mind, I know I didn't help anything by writing the second half of my post, but for someone to steal work and then have the nerv to get PISSED OFF at the person he stole it from is just tasteless.
I understand you gave constructive criticism and you should have left it to that. Now, I understand he stole blackhearts work and blackheart should handle this, not you. You're basicly doing what R3aveR is doing for BruTaLiz@tioN. Only, you're doing it for blackheart. BruTaLiz@tioN and blackheart should handle this, no one else.
08-02-2003, 12:43 AM
ohk im over it now...expect a release soon, i just have to fix a few minor problems but other than that expect it soon:D
08-02-2003, 12:46 AM
Mike your losing control. Your starting to turn into sclass.
R3aveR, you're starting to turn into a pain in the ass, now quit! Goddamn, BruTaLiz@tioN said he was done with it so stop trying to stick up for him even after he admited to taking blackhearts work.
If you want to talk, do it in PM, or instant message me on AIM.
Mystic Cobra
08-02-2003, 03:22 AM
Looks pretty good. marksmans origins please.
08-02-2003, 06:49 AM
ohk ill make put in both marksmans origins and the normal
08-02-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by R3aveR
Mike your losing control. Your starting to turn into sclass.
What ever happened to sclass anyways? I liked him :(.
08-02-2003, 12:40 PM
He was sent to Banishment Island for a chance to ponder the meanings of life..
I really like the look of this skin/model..i think this is the one that will finally take over from the 1928 i've been using
08-02-2003, 05:05 PM
:)thanx ppl, i waited for some feedback this time before i go and release so i think ive got enough positive feedback this time so i think i think i may go gte it hosted:D
thx guys
sclass was a douche, dont talk about him..
Brutal, love the skin, LOTS of detail, and i love it all, good work, ill use it.
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