Idea for Brit maps

Sgt. Stryker
08-01-2003, 04:23 PM
Idea for Brit maps-
Ok, lets face it people complain all the time about a crappy weapons selection the brits have. So the solution is somewhere close to the spawn or even through out the map have one or a few of the following-

1. A destroyed Sherman with crew laying dead outside with a tommy, carby, or garand laying by the bodies.

2. A "neutralized" MG postiotn with dead Machinegunners there and a MG (one of the biggest complaints ppl have)

3. A few dead Airborne guys hanging from a tree or on the ground with a few weapons laying under them.

Well i know its possible so, lets hear it. Will anyone agree with me? yes no mabye? will anyone do it? please consider

08-01-2003, 04:44 PM
There just needs to be:
G43s, and an MG34, possibly an STG44 (german weapons). Theres no submodel on the american weapons for a british sleeve, hence an inivisble arm appears.

Just remember, lots of MGs lying around will mean that you'll have MGers with grenades, etc. Also, its pointless giving the Brits a Thompson, since its the same as the Sten anway.

Sgt. Stryker
08-01-2003, 04:52 PM
i know its just for looks too, to add atmosphere. making it more realistic. Finding loads of dead guys laying around and stuff.

08-01-2003, 05:15 PM
Map ideas thread if you have an idea, but this is a suggestion for brit maps.

as Cpt Muppet siad you can't place brit weapons with the US and visa versa. if you want them as atmosphere sure but use env_model.

08-01-2003, 06:51 PM
From what I learned in my recent mapping misadventures, you need to clip off any and all models to prevent players from walking through them, and this will lower fps even more so than having lots of models in the first place.

08-01-2003, 07:21 PM
Will the German weapons respawn? Or will they just be available at the begning of the round? It's not a bad idea, to throw in one or two MG's and a K43, but you'd have to then consider balance issues.

08-02-2003, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Cheeto
Will the German weapons respawn? Or will they just be available at the begning of the round? It's not a bad idea, to throw in one or two MG's and a K43, but you'd have to then consider balance issues.

i believe weapons placed in maps do respawn, (bazookas). is there a way to stop them respawning.

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