
Devin Kryss
05-02-2003, 02:32 PM
I dunno if its me or not, but i can't compile a decompiled player model. Someone else please try, and confirm if i'm right in assuming we need a new compiler.

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-02-2003, 05:52 PM
As I stated in an other thread, I tried and failed. We either need a new compiler, or instructions on using the old one for player models.

Or a note on whether the dev team has chosen to lock the player models or not.

05-02-2003, 06:28 PM
I couldn't compile a player model either. It gets all the way to where it's writing the mdl and then I get an illegal operation error. There has been a new compiler with the last few major releases as well. I wish they'd release whatever compiler they're using at the same time they do a new release.

05-02-2003, 08:52 PM
Also the invisible stuff wont work, we will have to wait :(

05-02-2003, 08:55 PM
Looks like last night's beating into first person worked!:D

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