Mapping help

Capt Winter
07-28-2003, 05:53 PM
I suck at making buildings, including ones that you can enter, so can people give me tips on how to make buildings like homes, stores, cafes, mainly buildings in france. Also include tips on adding windows, and what textures u might use to do these. Thanks.

07-29-2003, 01:37 AM

- Search the web for pictures of the area that you want and get some ideas of what buildings you would like to use. Then start to plan out how you can simplify the building so your r_speeds won't be awful.

- Take a look at the buildings used in other maps. See how things connect together so you can understand what works well and what doesn't. Maybe load up DoD and start a single player game on a map and then type gl_wireframe 1 into the console. Now you can see how the brushes are getting split in the houses. Try to build similar stuff.

- There are a lot of tutorials on how many units doorways etc. should be. Do a bit of research on that as well.

- Borrow some .rmfs that others have made and take a peek at their work and see how you can build things similar.

I have no clue if this is what you wanted, but you didn't really explain what you needed. Anyhow, hope it helps, and as my final tip: Try a bit more descriptive subject line. You'll get a lot more responses then.


07-29-2003, 05:10 AM
always draw up a plan of ur biulding on paper.

then do each floor sepreatly, and think thru how it will effect r_speeds and gameplay.

do the inner room walls first then do the outer walls

stick with simple walls for now, then when u have the very basic layout done, move the walls so a square gap is there (windows) and dont "carve" the windows.

test the map every now and then and check r_speeds

add bits that make the house original, so it isnt just squareness, add beams pehaps, some rounded things, but watch r_speeds, there are good wallpaper and carpet textures on jagd and zalec.

add doors (if neccisary) and furnature and the nicities and details (pictures, a fire place?, tables, crates etc) but dont cramp it, make room and corridors bigger than they are in real life. and if any of these make r_speeds too high, simplify them, of take them out.

ONLY add the neccisary things first (walls, floors etc.), and add the things that make it unique later.

El Capitan
07-29-2003, 05:20 AM
VARIETY!!!! - Lol, its always nice to see buildings that are different, not the same as the other 10, 000 in your map and other maps....try looking for unique resource photos, build your own textures, clip your brushes tactically and dont make them all houses, make pubs, offices, etc :)

Capt Winter
07-29-2003, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by TheNomad
stick with simple walls for now, then when u have the very basic layout done, move the walls so a square gap is there (windows) and dont "carve" the windows.

can u clarify this nomad i wasn't sure what you meant by move the walls so a square gap.....

Thx for all the comments guys.

07-29-2003, 01:33 PM
forget the windows while ur doing the walls, then when uve done the layout, add the windows, do this by moving the walls and making new brushes. see the pic for a better explanation. ive hightlighted each brush to see what i mean.

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