New Objective Type
07-28-2003, 06:32 AM
I've decided to have a shot at making a map. Unlike most maps which are either capture the flag, destroy the tank or destroy the 88, I have thought up a new idea.
A group of British Ariborne soldiers have to advance through the city to capture the bridges to allow two tanks to cross. But they also have to protect the tanks from being destroyed. To make these tanks I will create them as a func_train in Hammer (which eliminates the move_with problem but the tanks won't have mg's). The Axis must flank the Allies and either destroy the tank as it approaches the bridge or control both for 8? minutes.
The map will be called dod_arnhem . It will take a few weeks but it will require a big rig as I'm making it higher poly. I will also try to add some other interesting things (eg a Sniper as spawn protection instead of a MG) and some hidden areas. How does that sound? Also the layout will not be linear to add some difficulty to it (lots of building to enter, many secret paths in the rubble) and of course the two bridges will add some interesting combat to it.
dod_arnhem already exists.
And good luck with the objective building. HL1 engine doesnt like moving stuff :) specially in multiplayer.
El Capitan
07-28-2003, 06:53 AM
the half-life engine really doesn't like moving stuff, no matter what anyone says :)
It may be ok when you test it, but some servers simply cannot keep ever single client up-to-date quickly with the positions, etc and this causes mega-lag!!! Especially with lots of people playing :)
07-28-2003, 08:28 PM
okay I'll rename it. I also checked my history books and found out this map doesn't suit Market Garden so I'll make it a Normandy map (I think their was a battle like this when they crossed some river near St Lo). I'll post some pics soon as well.
07-28-2003, 08:36 PM
it is possble even waldo says it
<e|DJ-Bull3t`pD> Waldo : isn't it possable to do it with func_trains? and have it shoot random shots into ambush spots?
<Waldo> you could w/func_Trains - in fact we experimented with that. The problem is func_trains aren't shootable - they aren't also breakables
<Waldo> one thing I did play with was make a func_train tank that drove to a certain spot - then rendered out (via env_render) at the same time a func_tank (shooter) rendered in. It's fairly effective
* [4F]squad-leader has joined #dod
<Waldo> dod2 anyone? Im sure we'll have some kind of tanks in there
Capt Winter
07-28-2003, 08:57 PM
You could also make the axis objective to destroy the bridges, they will have to get tnt under the bridge but boat or rope or something, not on top of the bridge since tnt was always place below the bridge to insure distruction.
07-29-2003, 07:16 AM
One thing I'm going to do in DoD2 is make a map based off of the battle of Neunen, using Band of Brothers episode 4, Band of Brothers the book, and any images, maps, and references I can find. Basically, it'll be a territorial advance map along with tank escorting. Since it's on the Source engine, I can have those bombers flying overhead
07-29-2003, 11:56 PM
Yeah Zero I might try that last idea and also I will make the German objective to either destroy the bridges or to destroy the tanks before they go. Maybe when v1.1 is released I will use an env_model with move_with (if they fix it).
08-02-2003, 06:36 AM
Okay I've got some more info. My map will feature:
- 4 flags. For the British to allow the tanks to advance they must control 50% of the map (their town square and a bridge)
- Moving objectives. The British tanks can fire but they can be destroyed.
- 88 Flak Cannon. This is an important part of the map as Germans can use it to fend off many areas with great accuracy. By using the radio (next point) and tatical map, two people can operate the gun to aim it at a small seleceted area.
- Radios. Each major German area will hav a radio. When in trouble, they just need to use it and it will send a message to the bunker to open fire on the target.
- Hidden mortar. This can be used (when found) by the British to give covering fire. May also be used to take out the Flak 88 bunker.
- British will also having the extra following weapons to their disposal: Thompson SMG, Garand and 30 cal Machine Gun.
- Spawn protection. The British will be defended by automatic snipers and if somehow a German gets through the rubble then they won't last long because of a system where if an Axis soldier is within a certain distanc eof the house, a random grenade is dropped and kills them.
That's all for now. (Map still isn't named though!)
ok one problem. you people won't have arms
the birtish can't use US guns cause their arms dissapear, and vise versa. you can't give brits the US guns and everyone dosn't like it.
08-03-2003, 02:11 AM
You serious? It shouldn't be too hard to fix though (unless it's coded in).
Ginger Lord
08-03-2003, 03:41 AM
Yes he's serious, it cant really be fixed by anyone except the team either
Ah, dod_arnhem, Operation Market Garden, September 1944.
I was toying with this idea of mapping this out, but with such a bridge like in the REAL arnhem, the r_speeds would kill the map.
I would be amazed if you got a decent market garden map to be fun.
08-03-2003, 06:58 AM
What about a model with a few brushes to clip it off?
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